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Rss Syndication

With PikiePikie 0.4, syndication of this site became possible: see AbbeNormalSyndication

RSS stands for Rich Site Summary, or is it RDF Site Summary? Really Simple Syndication? Anyway, i'm still trying to wrap my brain around it.

It's a standard way of publishing bookmarks or headlines with links and descriptions. It makes it simple for sites to publish indices to their content as it becomes available. It's mostly produced by weblogs and news sites; wikis are just starting to use it.

Some prefer the 1.0 standard, some prefer the 0.91 or 9.2 standard.

I have feeds from various sources in my MoZillaSidebar.

For more on RSS (more RssReaders, how to add RSS to your site, etc.), see

Also see WebLog, WikiWiki, WikiWeblogs, WikisWithRss,