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The sandbox is for playing in - feel free to press the EditText link and add something to this page.

EditingTips shows you how to format bold, italics, indenting, etc. and TableSyntax shows how to create tables in PikiePikie. There's also DisplayMacros to play with. More documentation to be copied from Pikie:Documentation



And this is how indenting works.

Good for two people discussing something to have different indententation.

What about links like this: the weblog

And how do i easily make a link to show the weblog with the right entry at the top? Fly the flag

  wiki , weblogs , case

%inputfield%%okbutton%  wiki %pagebox%, weblogs %pluginbox%, case %casebox%

Here's a macro (which John has to edit on the machines hosting this--not very wiki, but hey)

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Playing Jenga with God:



If only the user could specify the RssFeeds they wanted:

They can, see ThreeToRead or RssFeeds.

  wiki , weblogs , case
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