Click to return to AbbeNormalUpload Image

Images can be uploaded to this WikiWiki. One way is through the UploadImage button at the bottom of very page. Each image gets its own WikiName. After being uploaded, images can be shown with the img: tag, for example img:FusionSmall gets:

You can also create an img: tag when there's no image by the name given, for example img:NoSuchImage gets: ?img?, which anyone can click on to upload the image.

You can also embed an image without uploading it if it's already on the web just by typing in it's URL:

Note: When you upload an image to the same name of an existing image, the old image is deleted.

ListImages displays all images currently uploaded, and ImageUploads shows a history of recent uploads.

There is a limit to how many files may be uploaded, and to each file's size. You will receive an error message if either limit is exceeded. Image uploads can be disabled (OzFiles: site, for example, does not allow them).
