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This is a technique for developing and maintaining equanimity, one's ability to accept that this is how things are now, and not how they will always be.

To develop concentration and focused bodily awareness one first does some AnnapunaMeditation.

One attends sequentially to each part of the surface of the body, to see what sensations can be felt there (not visualizing). If no sensations are felt in that area, one spends some time waiting and attending to see if any arise. Whatever arises -- heat, pressure, tingling, pleasant, unpleasant, nothing -- one maintains the awareness that this is temporary, that there is no need to reactively do anything about it.

Generally one sits in a quiet place, eyes closed.

Actually, Vipassana is a general term applied to a wide variety of meditation practices. The one i've described here is my meditaation practice, and is available to learn in many places, see

"Vipassana" translates literally as something like to see things as they are.

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