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A wiki (aka WikiWiki or WikiWikiWeb?) is a way for one or many people to create and edit a site together. It's easy to AddNewPages, and link among them (every page has a WikiName, and wherever it's mentioned it becomes a link). By default at least, any page is editable by anyone, and there's some simple markup for things like bold and italics (see EditingTips).

Wikiwiki means quick in Hawaiian, and rather than QuickWeb?, WikiWikiWeb? won out as the name for the original wiki software. The original Wiki: itself is about programming, and is called the Portland Pattern Repository. WardCunnigham? wrote (and still maintains) the original software and site.

Many others write other wiki software. Lots of information on that, and some of the many many wikis out there, is available on the original wiki: Wiki:WikiWikiClones . Also see PalmWiki.

Early on, almost all wikis were about software, languages, etc. Now there are more and more NonTechnicalWikis.

This wiki uses PikiePikie, which can put a WebLog on any page. See PikieDocumentation for more on using PikiePikie.

AbbeNormal is often about wikis and weblogs. Also see WikiWeblogs,