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Recently, wikis have started messing with RssSyndication.

Most wikis using RssSyndication so far publish RssFeeds of their RecentChanges pages. Then it's fairly straightforward to merge several wikis' recent changes lists into one view, a UnifiedRecentChanges, which is exactly what Jeff Dairiki has done here, and Dave Jacoby here.

A standard for a wiki add-on (module) to RSS 1.0: Meatball:UseMod (but first see Meatball:RssExtensionModuleForWikis )

RSS on particular wiki software:

OpenWiki publishes and reads RssFeeds, see OpenWiki:WikiSites , OpenWiki:AllTheNews and OpenWiki:RssPage . OpenWiki also aggregates RssFeeds, see OpenWiki:WikiSites/Aggregation .


TWiki supports the RSS extension module fcr Wikis - see TWikiCodev:WikiRssExtension . This definitely helps in tracking changes, particularly with desktop RssReaders.

PikiePikie (which runs this site) produces feeds, see AbbeNormalSyndication or PikieSyndication

need Usemod link

Various wikis' feeds:

Keep an eye on David Jacoby's (sp?) list:

See RssSyndication, WikiWeblogs