Click to return to AbbeNormalPlucky Rss Reader Review

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About a week ago i noted the arrival of Plucky (a new Mac-only RSS reader) and now i've had a chance to play with it. The biggest positive is that it's fast -- because it's a normal application, not one you access through your web browser. The biggest negative is that it only shows headlines, not the items' content (often trimmed in RSS feeds, but many items are short enough that it doesn't matter); so you end up having to use your web browser after all. That makes it little better than the OS X Dock-based readers i've noted before (see RssReaders). I wrote the authors and suggested that they show the text of each item, and it sounds likely to be an option in a future release. I wonder why Usenet readers haven't been adapted for RSS, it's a very similar format in some ways.

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