Click to return to AbbeNormalSeitz Unifies Wiki Weblog Changes

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Bill Seitz' new thing (Go there! I'll still be here when you come back) is his UnifiedRecentChanges for his wiki (ZoPe-based) and weblog (UserLand). That's changes in the weblog and the wiki, listed together in reverse-time order. Is there a standard Zope RSS tool Bill, or did you have to write your own?

His catch-all page for what he's after seems to be WebSeitz:ThinkingSpace

Now how about WikiWords? in the weblog, some easy wiki markup for permalinks, search across both... ? Do i sound too impatient?

Mark Bernstein wrote about Bill's efforts a week ago. And he had something nice to say about the Pats.

This is the first of what i expect to be more big movement for WikiWeblogs this year.