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"One of the most important things Tinderbox can contribute to a weblog is memory: a way of conserving facts and ideas do they can be used again. Weblog archives aren't very good at this."

Mark Bernstein has the scoop on Tinderbox (formerly Ceres) -- and he should, sounds like he codes on it. Christian Langreiter, author of VanilLa, says "Tinderbox will probably be the hottest/most inspiring thing in Personal Publishing in the next few months."

What is it? I know nothing else but what's on their site; it sounds very interesting, it manages a weblog and apparently a significant part of it's functionality is as a regular compiled-app. And this is for Macintosh. But the price tag! $100 argh. How about a review copy?

But you know my one big wiki is it?

There's a list for pikie sites: Pikie:PikieSites