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Pete Kaminski wants to access his music with the multidimensional flexibility of FacetMap?, ZigZag and TouchGraph.

TWikiCodev:DistributedTWiki describes software mirroring wiki pages (it's an extension of TWiki). I wonder if they're using XmlRpc or something else.

The page on distributed TWiki is just brainstorming a new feature - not implemented in TWiki, though perhaps TWikiMain:MichaelSparks has implemented it on his intranet TWiki and could provide more info. Comment on that page to find out more - there was a recent comment from someone else about doing a version of this, see TWikiCodev:LaptopWiki . --RichardDonkin

In TWikiMain:TWikiStoryOfInktomi , it sounds like Michael's distributed TWiki code is likely to be brought into the main TWiki codeset fairly soon. I've edited the text so i'm not overclaiming anymore. --JohnAbbe (and thanks for reminding me to track down that reference)

My Wiki Weblog PIM page got a minor reorganization, and a sprinkling of new links has shown up:

Lotus Notes 6 beta for MacOsx is good enough for MacinTouch reader Hong Kie Thio, who is thus freed from Classic.

Dave Winer points to Blog App, a regular MacOsx application for posting messages to BlogGer?, MovableType?, or ManiLa (but not RadioUserland?) weblogs.