Chowhound's Los Angeles Area Message Board

Subject:     Farmers' Market in Rolling Hills Estates
From: (Kit H.)
Posted:      July 15, 2001 at 16:51:21
I have neglected the FM lately and after visiting my local Bristol Farms and finding the prices outrageous for fresh produce at this time of the year I decided it was time for a visit. I was happy to see a good crowd and several stalls advertising "organic".
I found Chinese eggplant (the light purple ones) and several squashes, including white zucchini, and luscious white nectarines (samples were available)and really fresh basil and mint. The prices seemed to be a little higher than I remembered from past visits, but, then, prices have increased on everything else so why not here? I was happy that they had sugar snap peas (my favorites) at a much lower price than the market. I even bought some HUGE raw shrimp (from Santa Barbara). At that stand they had some very good looking salmon and other fish.
There were stands selling popcorn, Mexican food, sweet made-on-the-spot crepes, hot dogs, homemade breads, a zillion kinds of honey, jerky, small dessert tarts, flowers, potted plants, dried fruits and nuts, etc., etc.
I had fun looking around and probably bought more than I can eat and I will go back soon. All the sellers are very pleasant and willing to let you sample their goods.
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