Chowhound's Los Angeles Area Message Board

Subject:     Re(1): Kakimochi
Name:        Mike Kilgore
Posted:      December 01, 2001 at 09:59:59
In Reply To: Kakimochi
             Posted by ai on December 01, 2001 at 03:48:19
This is a type of cracker also made from glutinous rice (mochi rice). Originally, making these crackers was a way to use the large mochi rice cakes traditionally prepared for New Year's celebrations and set on an altar as an offering to the gods. After sitting out for several days, these barbell weight-sized "rice cakes" hardened stiff. It was the custom to split open the mochi on the 11th day of the new year, but considered bad luck to use a sword (so as not to "cut off" the blessings of the celebratory time). Instead, people used their bare hands or a large wooden mallet, and the mochi would splinter into chips and slivers. The name "kakimochi" comes from this "splintering" action ("kakiwari" in Japanese). In time, this snack was made year-round. The kakimochi sold today is prepared by machine and comes in many different varieties.
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