Chowhound's Los Angeles Area Message Board

Subject:     Re(1): Monterey Park -- help!
Name:        Chino Wayne
Posted:      February 04, 2002 at 17:55:15
In Reply To: Monterey Park -- help!
             Posted by Sandra W. on February 04, 2002 at 14:24:50
I just had lunch at Empress Harbor last week (Atlantic & Garvey). Plenty of atmospheric decor. The food was ok. Nothing seemed spectacular though. This was a luncheon for work, it was in a private room. The restaurant even printed up a special menu listing our courses with our company's name on it. The shiumai and hargow were good. We had a shrimp dish with peanuts and chiles (this preparation is one of the standard ones usually associated with chicken, and for some reason its name slips my mind), the shrimp was fresh and cooked just right, not enough spice for me though. All of the dishes seemed fairly subtle, no flavors jumpping right out. Had a fish dish with some green leaf vegetables, a beef dish, a pork dish with very thin noodles, a seafood soup. Again it was all good, but nothing remarkable. Ended with a mango pudding (looked like a flan, except no carmelized top).
NBC Seafood down the street (south) on Atlantic is well known for dim sum.
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