Chowhound's Los Angeles Area Message Board

Subject:     Re(2): Water Grill -- about those oysters
From: (Bob Brooks)
Posted:      July 16, 2001 at 17:31:06
In Reply To: Re(1): Water Grill -- Fabulous Meal
             Posted by Tom P on July 16, 2001 at 17:09:55
Although I am a great fan of oysters, I am hardly an expert. I do know a couple of things, however, that might be helpful to you.
First, if you're going to have your very first one, by all means have it at the Water Grill. You know it will be impeccable. The waitress last night recommended one from Mass. (I can't remember its name) that she said was particularly plump and flavourful. It was luscious!
Traditionally, a red cocktail sauce is served with oysters. That's a big mistake since it does, indeed, mask the taste.
At the Water Grill, they serve them with a sauce mignonette and some grated horseradish, along with a wedge of lemon. While these are certainly the best condiments to use if your going to use any, I resisted anything other than the slighest squeeze of lemon. I did, however, enjoy dipping my bread in the mignonette and playing with the freshly grated horseradish just as a separate little nibble.
To my mind, the best oysters come from the Pacific Northwest and the East Coast. In fact, the only oysters I have generally not cared much for have been those from the Gulf Coast.
I don't think I'm alone in my view of Gulf Coast oysters, so maybe it's a good thing that you didn't begin your experience with one of them.
In any event, there is a certain mythology that says you should only eat oysters in a month with an "r" in it. Apparently they spawn in the summer months and can have a rather milky and slightly off taste. That was certainly not the case last night.
I urge you to take the plunge soon, and don't forget to sip the juice that the oyster leaves in the's tastes of the essence of the sea.
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