Chowhound's Los Angeles Area Message Board

Subject:     Impossible Good Chinese and Italian in SF Valley?
From: (Deirdre)
Posted:      January 08, 2002 at 23:15:17
I even miss Cantonese, but we will not eat from the corner strip mall hash houses - please! We don't like sticky orange chicken, either. Spicy is fine. But no Kung Pao with bell peppers or some other inauthentic additives.
As far as Italian, we don't want pizza. We want veal, mussels, other seafood, and lamb like they cook it in Abruzzi. No lasagna, no pasta putanesca. Any pasta should be Italian style, not smothered in sauce.
Please stay away from Ventury Blvd. Can't stand the traffic.
Any suggestions, or is this impossible?
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