Chowhound's Los Angeles Area Message Board

Subject:     Re(2): Ubon
Name:        SKU
Posted:      September 06, 2001 at 12:26:24
In Reply To: Re(1): Ubon
             Posted by kevin on September 05, 2001 at 11:39:39
Yeah, it was about $50 per person for five people (including a couple of drinks) but if you just get a bowl of soba or udon and a couple of the small plates (which is our usual order), it will run you much less.
I agree with Rafi that the food at Ubon can be uneven, but when it's good, it's fantastic (as it was this night) and even when it's not at its best, it beats the flavorless broth of Mishima anyday. I have not, however, tried the Mishima salads, so maybe I will if I can get in without a two hour wait behind the hipsters.
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