Chowhound's Los Angeles Area Message Board

Subject:     Re(4): Chowhound in dire trouble-let's open our wallets!
From: (Monique L)
Posted:      December 07, 2001 at 16:04:06
In Reply To: Re(3): Chowhound in dire trouble-let's open our wallets!
             Posted by Jim Leff  on December 07, 2001 at 02:14:50
I am glad there is still hope. This is one of my favorite sites and I would surely miss it. My fellow Chowhounds have helped me so much (and I hope I have helped their tastebuds as well). I got tons of great tips for my honeymoon in Oahu back in August. I had never been there and had no idea where to eat and I wanted to make ever meal count. I transferred all the great tips I received into my Palm and we ate our way through the island! I can still taste the truffled ahi at Alan Wong's in Honolulu. And the quartet of foie gras at Hoku's at the Kahala Mandarin. Out of this world... anyway I digress (food on the brain). I too love the last scene in It's a Wonderful Life, so with that inspiration I am headed to the Chowhound Store to do my part. By the way Jim, thanks for all your hard work! It's easy to take for granted all that goes into a site like this. I have no clue about servers, creating web sites, overhead etc. I always wondered how the site survived without advertisements but I guess now I know, it wasn't. Anyhow, if i could send you a cup of cocoa I would. Best of luck.
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