Chowhound's Los Angeles Area Message Board

Subject:     Re(1): Another first date suggestion request
Name:        More of everything....
Posted:      November 01, 2001 at 21:10:19
In Reply To: Another first date suggestion request
             Posted by Cheesey on November 01, 2001 at 19:33:43
Hmmm, when I used to go on first dates, I always tried to go someplace where there was a sense of entertainment to the experience, just in case conversation got tough (you know, the dreaded pregnant pauses). Sushi was always a favorite for that reason. How bout' Cobras & Matodors - kind of a fun experience getting to pick and share tapas.
Cheesey, one thing I'd ask you, the places you came up - is that typical of the kind of money you spend on dining out? I always worried about getting my dates expectations unrealistically high of where we'd be going on future dates. I think its better to splurg on the ones you've been out with for a while.
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