Chowhound's Los Angeles Area Message Board

Subject:     Beef Wellington
From: (Creamfinger)
Posted:      February 12, 2002 at 04:25:49
During a recent trip to Las Vegas, I dined at Smith & Wollensky. Having been there several times already, I was determined to try something other than the NY Strip or the Filet, which, while both excellent, I had had more than once. Following a friends suggestion (a British friend) I tried the Beef Wellington. I was blown away. The combination of puff pastry, fois gras and mushrooms surrounding a perfectly tender and rare filet made for one of the most unusual and delicious beef dishes I had ever had.
Ever since then I've been anxious to find Beef Wellington in LA, but so far I've had no luck.
Any suggestions?
The only mention of this dish in past Chowhound posts is a single restaurant in Burbank that nobody I've asked has heard of and is not listed in the Yellow Pages or Zagat's.
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