Articles & Features

CvS: Benimaru Glitch

By James Chen and David Dial

January 02, 2001 - What is the "Benimaru Glitch"? Basically, the Benimaru Glitch is a glitch that allows Benimaru to take his Level 1 Raikou Ken Super (Fireball motion x 2 + Light Punch) or his Level 1 Taikuu Raikou Ken (Fireball motion x 2 + Kick, in EX-Mode only) and "store" it in himself. Once stored inside him, he can choose to release it at any given time with certain attacks. The following will be an in-depth look at this glitch.

Video Link
The Glitch in Action

The Set-up:

In order for this to work, Benimaru must be struck while trying to perform the Level 1 Raikou Ken. Basically, when the super is performed, there are a few key animation frames he goes through. When the super is activated, and the screen flashes, Benimaru is in an animation frame with his arm cocked back behind his head. After the super charge ends, Beni then stays in this frame for a VERY short period of time. The second animation frame he goes into, he has his arm in front of him, blocking his face. The next animation frame, Benimaru has his arm fully extended, and the Super will start hitting. These animation frames apply to the Taikuu Raikou Ken as well.

The glitch will only work if Benimaru is struck out of the second animation frame mentioned above, where his arm is in front of his face. Once he is struck at this frame, the super will be canceled and end, and the glitch will be in effect. If he doesn't leave that first animation frame, the glitch will not occur. If Beni ever gets his arm extended, the Glitch will not occur. You know it didn't work if you even hear Benimaru say the tiniest fraction of "Raikou Ken". So even if he goes, "Ra..." and stops, the Glitch failed.

The easiest way to get the glitch to work is to try and get nailed by a fireball. Do the super before the Fireball reaches you, and if you time it right, the Fireball will strike you out of that one animation frame. If you do the Super too early, your arm will extend and the glitch won't work. If you do it too late, you'll never leave that first frame, and the Glitch won't work.

The reason the glitch works exclusively for the Level 1 versions of the Raikou Kens is because for the Level 2 and Level 3 versions of the supers, he is invincible during that crucial frame, and cannot be hit out of the supers during that frame.


Basically, what happens now is that Benimaru's Level 1 Raikou Ken or Taikuu Raikou Ken is "stuck" inside him. Once stuck in him, the Super can now be "released" out of Benimaru if he performs certain moves. The only way Benimaru can release the Super is with three particular moves: the Shinkuu Tatategoma (half circle back + kick), the Down + Hard Kick in the air (his downward drill attack), and (in EX Mode only) Towards + Light Kick (the running kick). Basically, what happens is that the INSTANT you do any of these three moves, the Super that was stored in him will instantly be released from him. It will act as if it has been activated right there and then and once activated, it maintains ALL of the same properties the Super would normally have: same priority, same hit box, same distance, same Juggle Potential, same damage, etc. So if the enemy isn't blocking and you are close enough, doing any of those three moves will instantly nail the enemy with the Level 1 Raikou Ken (this can be blocked as well).

The only strange thing is... you don't SEE the Super. When doing these three moves, the Super is absolutely invisible. But if it nails the enemy, they will go into the normal "electricity" reel animation they would go into if normally struck by the Level 1 Raikou Kens.

Remember that these stored Raikou Kens hit the INSTANT you do any of the three moves. So if you do Towards + Light Kick with EX-Benimaru, he doesn't even get a chance to kick the enemy. The instant he does the move, the enemy (if in range) gets hit immediately. By the time the Towards + Light Kick actually finishes, all five hits of the Raikou Ken have already connected.

Also, if you do the Down + Hard Kick in the air, the Super acts as if you were doing it while standing in the air. So the range the Raikou Ken will cover is slightly above and in front of you WHERE you did your Down + Hard Kick. So if you do the Down + Hard Kick high up in the air, the Super's range will be even higher up. If you currently have a Taikuu Raikou Ken stored in you, it'll be even HIGHER up than that.

There are also some negative effects to this Glitch. Once the glitch is activated, you are no longer allowed to do ANY Raijin Kens (or even the Taikuu Raijin Kens if you are EX-Benimaru). As hard you try, it will not come out. So if you ever find yourself in a situation where you cannot do the Raijin Ken at all, don't worry... the joystick and buttons are fine and, yes, you are okay. ^_^ Chances are, you have the Raikou Ken super stored in you.

You can cancel out the effect pretty easily. If you whiff any of the three moves, the Glitch goes away. If you throw the enemy with the Kick button, the Glitch goes away. Or, if you do another Raikou Ken super (can even be the Taikuu Raikou Ken), the Glitch will go away. And when I say "go away", I am saying that the Super is no longer stored in you, and you are able to perform the Raijin Kens again. If you do not cancel the Glitch, it will remain stored in you until you release it, or until the next round.


If you whiff with any of those above three moves, does that mean the super was blown? Did you waste the entire Level 1 meter? Not yet... Even though you don't see anything, doesn't mean the Super actually didn't occur. Basically, if you whiff with any of the above three moves, the super actually DID occur, but since it has nothing to hit, it just seems like nothing happened. However, whiffing one of those three moves will leave behind the Super's "essence" for a brief moment. Basically, the Super will remain where you whiffed your release move. Imagine that the Raikou Ken super is there, now, floating there, invisible. You can't see it, but it's there. So if you whiff a Towards + Light Kick after storing a Taikuu Raikou Ken, and your enemy jumps at you, they will run into the "essence" of your super. It remains in it's spot for a brief moment, and then runs out. It's longer than a normal Level 1 super lingers, but not longer than a second. So if nothing passes through that spot within the next second, then the super is gone and you've essentially wasted a Level 1 now.


This allows you to do some pretty strange combos, especially with Links. Since the Super maintains the range of the normal super, you can nail people from pretty far away. And since it is released the INSTANT you do one of the three moves, it's really easy to stick into "Links". See the video for examples of combos.


So is this glitch game-breaking? Not even close. Is this Glitch, then, even useful at all?!? Well, depends on your timing... If you can consistently find a way to get Benimaru struck out of that one animation frame, then YES, it actually is useful. And since it works easiest against people who have Fireballs (fireballs being the safest and least damaging way you can get your Benimaru struck during that particular frame). Once you have the glitch stored, a lot of things change...

For one thing, if you are EX-Benimaru, you now have a one-button, INSTANT anti-air, which can be VERY useful. If anyone jumps at you with a Glitched super stored in you, a Towards + Light Kick becomes instant anti-air. The instant you do it, your opponent will get struck by the Raikou Ken, and it's faster than any anti-air in the game, since it hits the INSTANT you do the Towards + Light Kick. So if you have the Super stored in you, it becomes a beautiful, one-time use, anti-air.

Another use? Well, kind of a waste to use it this way, but it gets you the hit... If you are fighting a character with a Fireball, like Ryu, you can use it to go through Fireballs. So if Ryu throws a Fireball at you, do the Towards + Light Kick. The essence of the Super will block the Fireball, and your Towards + Light Kick will nail Ryu in the face. It's all just for a minor hit, but it's still a hit...

Lastly, it's really good for combos. It's really easy to do Cross-up Light Kick, Crouch Light Kick x 3, then link into Towards + Light Kick or buffer the last Light Kick into the Shinkuu Tatategoma (if you are not EX-Benimaru) for a VERY easy way to plant a Level 1 super, damage-wise, into a combo. And because your recovery is now based on the move that activated the stored Super, you can tack on more Supers afterwards.

In the end, it's not greatly useful, especially for the difficulty in setting it up. But if you CAN get it to work consistently against Fireballs, you'll always have an instant, Level 1, anti-air, and that's probably it's best use.

Combo Transcripts

|      |                          ||      |                         |
|  ->  |  Chained Attacks         ||  LP  |  Jab (Light Punch)      |
|  >>  |  Linked Attacks          ||  HP  |  Fierce (Hard Punch)    |
|  XX  |  Buffered Attack         ||  LK  |  Short (Light Kick)     |
|  \/  |  Landing from a Jump     ||  HK  |  Roundhouse (Hard Kick) |
|  J.  |  Jumping Attack          ||  1-  |  Level 1 Super          |
|  S.  |  Standing Attack         ||  2-  |  Level 2 Super          |
|  C.  |  Crouching Attack        ||  3-  |  Level 3 Super          |
|  T.  |  Hold Towards            ||  CU  |  Cross-up Attack        |
|  n.  |  Near Attack (Close-up)  ||      |                         |

[The Glitched Move will be listed in these square brackets]

1) J.HK \/ S.n.HK >> [T.LK], 3-Raikou Ken (17 hits)
2) J.CU.LK \/ C.LK -> C.LK -> C.LK >> [T.LK] (19 hits)
3) (Benimaru starting near corner) J.CU.LK \/ S.n.LP >> S.n.HP >> [T.LK], 1-Raikou Ken, 2-Taikuu Raikou Ken (15 hits)
4) (Ryu in Corner) J.HK \/ C.LK -> C.LK >> C.HK XX [LK-Shinkuu Tatategoma], 3-Raikou Ken (14 hits)
5) (Ryu in / near corner) 1-Elec Trigger, [T.LK], 2-Taikuu Raikou Ken (8 hits)
6) J.CU.LK \/ S.n.LP >> S.n.HP >> [T.LK] XX Taunt note: The Taunt can be used to cancel the very first few frames of ANY normal move, including Towards + Light Kick. And since the super is released the INSTANT you do the move, you can cancel that move into the Taunt, and the super will still be released.