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Akadot Retail - Pop Japan Mercantile

Digital Manga, Inc. to co-produce a live action Ninja Scroll with multimedia giant Threshold Entertainment.

Presenting the Second Annual Akadot Anime Academy Awards! Voting has ended and the winners will be announced shortly.


04/05/02 - Top Ten Reasons the Akars Haven't Been Announced Yet. The real reason? Because making Top Ten lists about the Akars is more fun than actually taking care of them. Now did you really have to ask?

04/04/02 - The Favorite Uncle of Anime: Part III. Fred Ladd realizes how anime has grown in America and its children, not simply as an entertainment medium, but as a child.

04/01/02 - Ryan Mathews climbs out from under a mountain of letters to compliment New Generation's work in The Dubtrack and NieA_7 Bath. And somebody get the man the OMG OAV, for goddess's sake!

03/29/02 - The Favorite Uncle of Anime: Part II. Fred Ladd relates Astro Boy's sad fate and dispels the popular myth anime's big eyes come from Mickey.

03/29/02 - It's official. Luis has (finally!) stepped down from his editorialship leaving Tim Law to head up the premier anime news site in his underwear while listening to Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band. Let's a moment of silence in remembrance of Luis's big words, big hair and schlong jokes...
Enough of that - now let's break out the plastic beads a bare our breats cos Akadot's Gone Wild!

03/28/02 - The Favorite Uncle of Anime: Part I of Gerry Poulos's interview with Fred Ladd, the man who brought anime to America. (Astro Boy shows up here and there.)

03/22/02 - For anime it is the best of times, and for mainstream culture it is the worst of times. Akadot sympathizes with the Top Ten Unintentional Victims of Anime's Growing Popularity.

03/20/02 - What Dreams May Come: Charming for children and adults alike, Cardcaptor Sakura - The Movie holds all the right cards.

03/19/02 - Letters to the Editor: Tim Law, your ever lovin' editor, decides to cop out and get other people to answer this batch of letters. Thanks for playing!

03/15/02 - DVDs are good, yes. But when is it just too late? See how badly these titles age in Akadot's Top Ten DVD Releases that Came Too Late.

03/15/02 - Ron Ferrera, The World's Greatest Otaku, chronicles the History of Mecha Anime. From Astro Boy to Power Rangers, Robotech to Key the Metal Idol, Mecha's birth and glory.

03/13/02 - Zen and the Art of Animation Marketing: The Japanese-American Cultural and Community Center hosts a FUNimation sponsored anime screening. But, is Dragonball Z really culture?

03/13/02 - Bravado, Gusto, Testosterone and Swordplay: Can sarcasm battle the evil of the Dynasty in Ronin Warriors: Volume 1, "The Call?" I certainly hope so.

03/11/02 - After enduring Those Who Hunt Elves Volume 2, "Elf Stripping for Fun & Profit," reviewer Henry Darrow wants to strip Elves from the shelves.

03/08/02 - Augury Through Sci-Fi: Lucian James validates decade old Bubblegum Crash's message in today's cultural clash.

03/08/02 - Power to the People: San Jose, California public television station KTEH introduces their new anime block expanding on past tradition and garnering new support for public broadcasting.

03/08/02 - Central Park Media Blasters: It's all in a name for this week's top ten list, developed originally as a guide for our poor former editor, Luis Reyes, who had to attend a multitude of anime conventions without knowing the Top Ten Ways to Tell Central Park Media and Media Blasters are Two Different Companies.

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