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Japan to extend anti-terror role

The government will again extend by six months its dispatch of Maritime Self-Defense Force troops to the Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea, but the United States wants Japan to do more in the fight against terror, a request sure to spark contentious debate. (October 28)

Rightist arrested over Ishii slaying
Town gold saved in the nick of time
Middleman admits he paid 50 million yen to agriculture minister's aide
Yokotas invite He Gyung to Kyoto, Disneyland
Distraught daughter wants Yokotas to visit
N. Korea wants to press on with normalization
Agency to pull plug on TEPCO reactor
Lawmaker slain in front of his home
ONLY CHILDHOOD MEMORIES: `My mother sang when TV was on'
We want them to stay, of course, but ...
Consadole inconsolable after tearful relegation
JAPAN SERIES: Rookie managers can't forget past
Nakamura stopped for 1st time in Italy
J.League/YOKOHAMA 2 KASHIMA 0:Marinos deal out pay back
BASEBALL/Yomiuri Giants, Seibu Lions-a year of dominance
J.League/ICHIHARA 2 KASHIWA 1: Choi shoots JEF to Chiba derby win
Zico's all-stars not the answer
JAPAN 1 JAMAICA 1: Reggae Boyz spoil Zico's party
ASIAN GAMES/SOCCER: The kids are all right
Murofushi hammers competition

Japan to extend anti-terror role
Coalition wins 5 by-elections
Tokyo's big gamble with Pyongyang
Eased rules sought for refugee status
Takenaka: Split good, bad loans
COMMENTARY: Koizumi's ambiguity to blame
Takenaka faces down bank chiefs
LDP don Aoki gives Koizumi tongue-lashing over policy
Koizumi holds off on budget
Banks to shape up or face the consequences
Cinema&Arts/TWO WORLDS: East meets Mideast in tale of burned-out Japanese salesman
Cinema&Arts/CULTURE VULTURE: The man who ate Tokyo
Tax break planned for art
There's no business like show business for the creator of the musical `I Got Merman'
Merging cultures to preserve art
ALL DOLLED UP: Brimming with beauty but lacking life
FAN-TASTIC: Tokyo International Film Festival reeling 'em in
Cultural legwork puts choreographer on top
Supreme Court blocks Yu Miri's novel
Asahi Haikuist Network

3 allies urge North Korea to dump nuke program
North Korean nukes target of allied push
The hidden price of Afghanistan's new freedoms
Kelly: Nuclear accord with North still alive
North: Uranium device not used
Crisis brews in U.S.-North ties
ANALYSIS: North Korea plays wild card
U.S. prods Japan for greater role in war against terror
Normalization talks with North moved up
Symposium : Fulbright at 50
Opinion, Editorial
EDITORIAL: Moscow theater siege
EDITORIAL: Abductees and families
POINT OF VIEW/Kiyoshi Okonogi: Koizumi must make political decision now
Freeze highway construction projects or not?
EDITORIAL:Force fueled violence
EDITORIAL:Fighting unfairness
INTERVIEW/Hajime Izumi: The North: Brinkmanship or a concession?
Japan in the World
Inside Japanese Politics
The Asahi Shimbun Asia Network

Takenaka wavers on tax rule for banks
Banks prepare for war on Takenaka
Critics say Takenaka's plan won't rid banks of bad loans
Holding company eyed for bourses
Nissan's on the rebound, but not out of the woods yet
Postal draft calls for longer hours, 24-hour ATMs
Wishy-washy Takenaka spooks and frustrates
LDP balks at tough medicine for bad loans
Japan, U.S. execs call for action from RCC
Bell begins to toll for one-ring scammers
Vox Populi, Vox Dei
Play `wise evildoer' regarding N. Korea nukes
Moscow's citizens pay price for failed policy
`Lili Marleen' is a song of war-weariness
Homeland dialect music to abductees' ears
Bicycles on sidewalks a problem for the blind
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"Tensei Jingo in Two Languages"
You can enjoy "VOX POPULI, VOX DEI" both in English and Japanese.
More information

A YEAR AFTER/BSE blues: The government is having a tough time convincing the public the mad cow problem is under control.
music IN SIGHT/ ROLE MODEL: Seiji Ozawa simply phenomenal
Photojournalist finds snap inspiration in Harlem faces
Info Guide: Hit the slopes year-round with grass skis and mountain boards
OBSTRUCTED VIEW: Standing too tall
Civil engineer spent 40-year career helping others across Asia
Summer 2002: Adopted summer festival takes on a life of its own
Tokyo ghost tour sends chills through the sweltering days of summer
University of Tokyo professor has seen law from both sides of Pacific
All work and no play-students cram for exams on holidays
Changing Japan
Children of suicide reach out to others who have lost a parent
Star finds duo means twice the fun
FREE FOR ALL: Artists, buskers win reprieve on Tokyo's city streets
PROFILE: Photographer sheds light on underwater universe
REVEALING RUINS: Disenchanted explorers in search of lost time
REBIRTH OF COOL: Manga artist seeking spirits in the material world
Author keeps lover-mentor's spirit alive
Elderly tourists bring back unique holiday memories
Bringing artistic, musical salvation where angels fear to tread
Community Links/ RELIGION: Brazilian church casts out demons and saves souls_for a price