issue 03
sexual issues revealed
from the editors
"When the maganda staff first voted to have this issue's theme on sex, many of us worried about what our parents might think when they read our work. I am still afraid to show my family this issue. This is a result of the powerful effect our parents have had on use in shaping our thinking about sex. Many of us have been taught not to talk about; that it is dirty; that girls should save their virginity until marriage; that masturbation is evil; or that it is not normal to be attracted to someone of the same sex. Because these myths still affect our thinking today, we felt a need for these issues to be addressed..."
"A woman can get pregnant by kissing a man and holding his hand.

One of my high school teachers once told me that her high school teacher used to make males and females sit on opposite sides of the classroom because she believed that physical contact between the sexes caused pregnancies. As an adolescent, my teacher believed what her instructor told her.

I laughed at her naivete, as I believe we all would. After all, we now live in a much more sophisticated society. We know all about baby-making. We have been exposed to more than enough of it in our everyday lives. We know the problems associated with teen pregnancy and rape. We know all we need to know about abortion, AIDS, safe sex, and sexism. Certainly, we are much more informed about sexual issues than were our grandparents or parents..."