November 20, 2002

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U.S. can't be selective on human rights
On the surface, the case against Saad Eddin Ibrahim is a typically banal tale of trumped-up embezzlement charges and a court system rigged to do the bidding of an autocratic regime.

Arab TV Guide
Now that the Muslim holy month of Ramadan has started, television audiences in the world's largest Arab country are spending their customary countless hours in front of the television, since they can't work.

Arab TV Guide
If the United Nations mandate on Iraqi disarmament fails and the United States is forced to go to war against Saddam Hussein, the U.S. might consider a whole new kind of warfare in Iraq, called Softwar, which can be conducted right now, under the aegis of existing UN Article 41 strictures.

Tolerance and reality in collision
We do not yet know everything about John Allen Muhammad and perhaps never will.

Washed in the blood of the lamb, etc.
Those of us who see the struggle for peace and justice as a spiritual act often quote our Scriptures to validate our efforts.

Misbehaviors, miscalculations and all else that's in between
Another accounting problem ...

`Current snowmobile use poses no threat to wildlife or the environment at the parks.

Hey, hey, ho, ho--protests can surely go
A protest demonstrator's life can be a dreary one.

1. In a tape attributed to Osama bin Laden last week, the terrorist leader said:

And now, poll on '04 contest for presidency
Because it's never too early to leap into the pool of speculative political behavior, here's how the Democratic side of the presidential contest of 2004 is stacking up, according to the Quinnipiac University Poll, which never seems to say "enough!" when it comes to presidential measurement.

Environmental laws are out of balance
As a family farmer in the Klamath Basin, I am saddened and disappointed at the distorted picture the Tribune painted of agriculture and water use in the Basin in its Nov. 2 editorial "Why the fish ran out of water."

Walkers beware
Every morning (well, almost every morning), I take a brisk, 30-minute walk for the express purpose of staying healthy and increasing my life expectancy.

Defending anarchy
While I found "Portrait of an anarchist" (Tempo, Nov. 11) to be largely fair-minded, the first sentence ("Here he is, Public Enemy No. 1: the anarchist, the protester . . . ), despite its tongue-in-cheek tone, to be indicative of the smear mentality the media invariably heap on political outsiders.

Eager to execute
"Virginia gets first crack at the sniper trials" reads the front-page headline of Nov. 8, informing us of Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft's announcement that the Washington-area sniper suspects will be prosecuted first in Virginia, where both could be eligible for execution under that state's death penalty statute.

Better government
Anarchist Rocky Pyskoty was quoted as saying "I think all people deserve clean air, clean water, food to eat and shelter over their head," while at the same time espousing "the elimination of government . . . the abolition of all laws."

Watch your mouth
I just read "City cussing could be only for the very rich" (Metro, Nov. 10). What the heck is going on?

Editor's note: During the holiday season, we would like to devote space in the Voice of the people section to readers' memories of the most precious gift they have ever received.

SBC: A prince or a pauper?
Clucking over profits, dividends and King Midaslike executive compensation, Janus-faced SBC is shamelessly pleading impoverishment before Congress and state regulatory commissions.

Story collections
Perspective: Viewpoints on the Middle East

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