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Cracking down on crack
by the77x42

Linux-Trolling-In-20 03 HOWTO
by regeya

by tmenezes

MilkShape 3D does what it wants. With no EULA.
by Trystan

Australian Vexillology
by cam

Jean-Pierre Serre awarded the first Abel Prize
by flo

Librarians Use Shredders to Counter New F.B.I. Powers
by A Proud American

New Diaries
The Most Upsetting News of the War
by coljac

Iraqi Forces attack CNN's Brent Sadler
by ti dave

Rusty Foster is the sexiest tomboy beanpole on the planet.
by Steve Ballmer

CNN's Brent Sadler Takes Tikrit
by scatbubba

The Winning Streak Continues
by tps12

Send All of the Illegal Mexicans Back
by mikepence

Bush administration putting money where it's mouth is.
by twistedfirestarter

The Dynasty Begins!
by duxup

Just finished watching Witch Hunter Robin
by fluffy grue

I'm a pro at procrastinating
by metalgeek

A Poem From My Last 30 Comment Titles
by A Proud American

Peewee's Big Adventure
by Stick

April 11, 2003: In The News
by Eric Green

We didn't start the fire.
by theNote

I Get Up Again
by thewingnut

Politics Politics, freedom, government, and law, with a hacker spin.

Cross-burning bans are constitutional in the US, sorta (Politics)

By aphrael
Tue Apr 8th, 2003 at 12:14:54 AM EST

We conclude that while a State, consistent with the First Amendment, may ban cross burning carried out with the intent to intimidate, the provision in the Virginia statute treating any cross burning as prima facie evidence of intent to intimidate renders the statute unconstitutional in its current form.

--US Supreme Court: Virginia v. Black

In every culture, certain things acquire meaning well beyond what outsiders can comprehend. That goes for both the sacred, see Texas v. Johnson, 491 US 397, 422-429 (1989) (Rehnquist, CJ dissenting) (describing the unique position of the American flag in our Nation's 200 years of history), and the profane. I believe that cross burning is the paradigmatic example of the latter.

--Justice Thomas, dissenting.

The United States Supreme Court today handed down its decision in the unfortunately named case of Virginia v. Black, involving the constitutionality of Virginia's law banning cross burning. According to the syllabus, seven justices agreed to overturn the Virginia law (while one wanted to send it back to the lower court for further consideration, and one wanted to uphold); that majority is further split, with four believing that a different cross-burning ban would be constitutional, and three believing that cross-burning bans are incompatible with the first amendment. While appearing at first to be a decisive victory for free-speech absolutism, the decision is in fact no such thing.

Full Story (143 comments, 860 words in story)

The Statutory Debt Limit (Politics)

By svillee
Sun Apr 6th, 2003 at 06:53:30 PM EST

In February, the United States federal debt reached its current statutory limit of $6.4 trillion. For now, the Treasury Department is taking the usual stopgap measures involving the G-Fund, but Congress will need to increase the limit soon to avoid a default.

Most likely, Congress will approve an increase before any default would happen. But this time, there is actually a smidgen of doubt, given that last year's bill to raise the limit was barely passed by the House at the 11th hour. What would be the effects of a government default? For one thing, it might put a damper on the administration's New American Century agenda.

Full Story (214 comments, 2152 words in story)

French Influence to be Removed from American English (Politics)

By kwertii
Sat Apr 5th, 2003 at 01:38:32 PM EST

WASHINGTON, DC, April 3 - In the wake of French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin's scathing comments condemning the United States' attack on Iraq, the House today unanimously passed a bill which would undo centuries of French influence on English and officially revert the spoken and written language used within the United States to English in its pre-French form.

"Renaming foodstuffs like `Freedom Fries' and `Liberty Toast' is definitely a step in the right direction, but my colleagues and I decided that it just doesn't go far enough. We must purge all French influence from our great language," said House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL) at an afternoon press conference. "Us is riht micel ðæt we rodera weard."

Full Story (158 comments, 851 words in story)

Visions of Empire: Sovereignty Transformed (Politics)

By Jett
Mon Mar 31st, 2003 at 05:54:15 PM EST

In recent years, scholars have noted that the powers associated with sovereignty are being transformed. This transformation has been largely tied to globalization. There are a variety of processes at work in globalization which can be attributed with challenging traditional functions of sovereignty.

There is disagreement over what this transformation of sovereignty means: Is sovereignty being eroded; is it in decline? Or, is sovereignty going through a conceptual transition; is sovereignty being reconfigured?

A new system of global governance is evolving, one in which the simplicity of discrete territorial units is but one aspect of something more complex and interwoven.

This essay deals with an issue central to contemporary international relations: the on-going transformation of sovereignty.

Full Story (89 comments, 2366 words in story)

Title XI of the 1994 US Crime Bill Due to Sunset (Politics)

By Citori
Thu Mar 27th, 2003 at 11:01:51 AM EST

The United States legislature enacted the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 on September 13, 1994. The restrictions outlined by Title XI of that act are scheduled for repeal in September of 2004. Title XI is often referred to as the Assault Weapons Ban as it is primarily concerned with gun control and prohibits the manufacture or importation of certain firearms bearing specific features, commonly considered to be features of assault weapons.

Full Story (639 comments, 943 words in story)

Iraq Day 6 - Heading for a Worst Case Scenario? Basra is the Key (Politics)

By harrystottle
Tue Mar 25th, 2003 at 07:24:00 PM EST

Early indications are worrying. Guerrilla tactics are to be expected and are obviously Saddam's best card. But they've started much further south and with much greater intensity than UKUSA intelligence estimated. The smart money was on the South rising up as one to greet the liberators with open arms. It hasn't happened. Instead we've seen the first signs of the Fedayeen in action against the UKUSA forces. This could indicate the beginning of a prolonged urban struggle which though not as costly as Vietnam in terms of human lives, could tie up large numbers of UKUSA military not for months but decades. Vietnam it will not be. Chechnya - it might.

Full Story (374 comments, 1648 words in story)

The Philosopher of Islamic Terror (Politics)

By james yonan
Sun Mar 23rd, 2003 at 08:39:28 PM EST

Writing for the New York Times, Paul Berman calls him Al Qaeda's Karl Marx. Robert Irwin of The Guardian asks Is this the man who inspired Bin Laden?

Jailed and tortured by Egypt's Gamal Abdel-Nasser for over 10 years, Sayyid Qutb (pronounced KUH-tahb) produced and smuggled out of his prison cell Fi Zalal al-Koran (In the Shadow of the Koran), a vast commentary on the Koran before being executed by Nasser in 1966 for his association with the Moslem Brotherhood. Qutb's life is a fascinating portrait into the making of a man who inspired a generation of Islamic fundamentalists with a work that some agree has given historical context and contemporary scope to the complexity of ideas that underlie radical Islamic thought, while others dismiss it as a misguided philosophical vendetta against the basic ideals of liberal Western Civilization.

Full Story (94 comments, 1230 words in story)

Why I am not a Libertarian (Politics)

By enterfornone
Sun Mar 23rd, 2003 at 12:56:52 PM EST

Like many people who value freedom, I once found the idea of Libertarianism to be appealing. Libertarians claim that "everyone should be free to do as they choose, so long as they don't infringe upon the equal freedom of others" and they believe that their ideology achieves this goal.

However upon closer inspection, it would appear that Libertarianism protects the freedoms of an elite few, while forcing the majority to servitude.

Full Story (354 comments, 1805 words in story)

Why Australia is in Iraq (Politics)

By HiroProtagonist
Sat Mar 22nd, 2003 at 02:34:57 AM EST

Australia is one of the few nations which have committed troops to military action in Iraq. Australia's involvement in the war is unpopular with the majority of Australian citizens. This article aims to explain the seemingly paradoxical position of the Australian Government on this issue

Full Story (117 comments, 680 words in story)

A commander's words to his men (Politics)

By treefrog
Thu Mar 20th, 2003 at 06:40:35 PM EST

There is a long tradition of military commanders giving final words of encouragement to their troops before battle.

Below is a speech given by Lieutenant Colonel Tim Collins to the 1st Battalion of the Royal Irish Regiment.

It seems somewhat ironic to me that our military leaders appear to be more eloquent, and have a better understanding of the meaning of what they are doing, than the politicians who instruct them in our name.

Full Story (216 comments, 372 words in story)

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Guest poll by Spendocrat: Most harmful/hilarious addiction?
o Cigarette smoking 17%
o Gambling 5%
o Magic: The Gathering 28%
o Internet Pornography 22%
o Crack 17%
o Other 9%

Votes: 1510 | Comments: 82
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Tuesday March 18th
o Karl Marx On Religion (316 comments)
o Prime Minister Breaks Pledge to British Public (328 comments)

Wednesday March 12th
o French Toast becomes Freedom Toast on Capitol Hill (300 comments)

Thursday March 6th
o Old UN Peacemaking Rule Might See New Relevance (518 comments)

Saturday March 1st
o The 51st State (160 comments)

Thursday February 27th
o Do we really want "black box" voting machines? (179 comments)

Saturday February 22nd
o Human Shield - War Criminal or Non Violent Civil Disobedient? (277 comments)

Thursday February 20th
o Insane World Leaders - the Card Game (43 comments)

Monday February 17th
o IPCC Climate Report Gets Blown Away (126 comments)

Thursday February 13th
o Protecting and Improving Democracy: Canadian Style (319 comments)

Sunday February 9th
o Bush Wants Secret Arrests (413 comments)

Friday February 7th
o Human Development in the USA and Scandinavia (343 comments)

Wednesday January 29th
o RIAA vs. MP3 vs. Adam Smith (293 comments)

Wednesday January 22nd
o Do Aliens read History? (163 comments)
o Iraq: After The War (101 comments)

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