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War coverage: Timely or Amateur? (Media)

By jubal3
Thu Mar 27th, 2003 at 03:44:55 AM EST

During operations in Grenada, Panama and Desert Storm, the press howled about being cut off from the troops and the action. They seemed to have learned that sitting in a press briefing put on by the military does not make for accurate reporting. In Desert Storm, for example, the accuracy of US Precision Guided Munitions was greatly exaggerated by the military. This was almost entirely ignored until after the war, as was the fact that PGMs accounted for only a tiny percentage of ordnance used in the air campaign.


For Gulf War 2, the embedding of reporters with units, with large freedom of reporting from the front lines was an enormous change for the military and a great opportunity for the press. Unfortunately, inaccuracy and lack of perspective from the reporters and their anchors may make the military regret that decision, and not repeat it in the future. The result is that we will not get good information from the front, nor have the ability to do "fact-checking" on military press releases.

One of the Press' most important duties is to keep a steady eye on government in order to keep them at least relatively honest. Losing eyes on the ground would be a heavy blow to this role of the press. This is not to say the inaccurate coverage is the result of "liberal" media bias. It seems a lack of experience and perspective. Whatever the reason, the bottom line is that the coverage isn't accurate.

Based on reports from BBC World Service, NPR (National Public Radio) and the web, including Reuters, AP, CNN, BBC, The Boston Globe, Al Jazeera and the Jerusalem Post war coverage seems wildly inaccurate.

Reporters seem to routinely miss details. Examples: Navy personnel, (grade O3; Lieutenant) referred to as "captain," an army rank. FA-18s referred to as "Tomcats" which are totally different aircraft with vastly different roles and capabilities. Small firefights called "Heavy resistance." The list goes on and on.

Now calling a plane by the wrong nickname may seem pretty trivial, but in fact, it's sloppy reporting. Reporters are usually expected to become something of an expert on their beat. The fact that the embedded reporters and worse yet "analysts" and news producers don't know this stuff really is important. As a reporter, knowing as much as possible about your beat serves as a "BS filter." Part of the job is to know when you're being snowed. If you don't know a damned thing about what you're covering, you are totally dependent upon your sources. If they lie to you, the lies get reported. Even if they are merely incorrect, you have no way to make a decision that the information is suspect and needs to wait for confirmation or development. With no way in the field to "second source," you wind up reporting inaccuracies, (sometimes big ones). So knowing the details about the ranks, the weapons systems and standard tactics is important. In government affairs reporting for instance, not knowing what a conference committee was would be considered outrageously incompetent. This very reasonable standard is being ignored with military reporting.

First: many of the embedded reporters and their editors seem to know nothing about the subject they are covering. No one who knew the subject matter would call the F-18, a Navy plane an Air Force plane. Second: they report impressions, not facts and do it on live television/radio. While it is very frightening to come under mortar fire, it does not necessarily denote "stiff" resistance." It indicates at least two guys with a mortar . (A cheap, easy to use indirect-fire weapon.) While there may be a company of soldiers supporting that mortar team, you don't know that just from the fact that you're having mortar rounds dropping around you. How many troops are shooting at you is important information to your story. Not knowing it when the feed is live is no sin. reporting a wild ass guess about the opposition as fact, is.

From the coverage I've heard/read, a lot of it seems to fall into this category. A reporter's unit comes under fire, and there frequently seems no accurate description of the nature of the fight. Was it 5 guys with AKs, or was it an infantry battalion? The first is trivial, the second is substantial. Other than mentions of the Republican Guards, I've heard only one mention of the strength of units which have offered opposition to US/UK forces until long after the fact. Yet we've all seen the Al Jazeera pictures and seen photos of reporters hunkered down under some type of fire.

Without characterization, there is simply no way for the average person to make an accurate assessment of what is going on. Are we winning or losing? What towns do we control if any? If not, why not? These are all important questions, the answers to which do not appear anywhere obvious. I've found some of the answers after digging, but the bottom line is, I shouldn't HAVE to dig. This is front page stuff. What comes across is dead Coalition troops, firefights and sandstorms. Add to that, so-called "Analysts" (Mostly pundits who wouldn't know an AK-47 from an M-16) making statements like "This is much more fierce than we were led to believe." And "This is going to be a tough fight." Based on what? I want to scream.

The "you are there" coverage recently in Um Qasr is a good case in point. The Marines secured the port, which was the primary mission, and reporters fed back "Um Qasr is under control of the Marines" which was only partially true. Next, when there was some minor resistance in the town, not the port, (I've seen figures denoting approximately 24 militia members running around with AKs and RPGs) it was reported as "Fierce resistance." What happened is that the reporter was caught, along with a patrol, in an ambush by irregular forces. Sensitive to both friendly casualties and civilian accidental deaths, the troops wisely pulled back, awaited reinforcements and very cautiously went about killing the resisting forces. Listening to the news, you would have thought a large battle was going on. In fact, it was a completely trivial bit of resistance, and caused not the slightest delay in operations there, because mines had to be removed from the harbor anyway. From the coverage, it was a "setback." Setback? Where? Based on what? What was delayed? Where? The answer is: nothing, and nowhere. Yet the impression remained.

The press and the military have had an adversarial relationship since Viet-Nam. There, the press sat on their asses all day waiting for the "5 `O-Clock Follies" in Saigon where they were spoon fed information from MACV (Military Assistance Command Vietnam), which they reported unfiltered. The other reporters seemed hell-bent on showing the US public how awful the war was. Neither approach was entirely accurate. And the military still blames the press for the decline of popular support for that ill-fated adventure. While there was some exceptional reporting in that war, it was the rare exception, not the rule. The impressions conveyed were largely inaccurate. Either pro or anti is not the point. The inaccuracy was the cardinal sin committed.

The Tet Offensive is a good example of the criticized press coverage of that war. Tet was such a surprise only because the press had been buying the "we have them on the ropes" stuff fed to them by the military, when casualty reports and good sniffing around would have showed a very different picture. Many reporters had been calling bullshit on the military for a couple of years. The mainstream press was so busy being shocked and outraged over having been lied to (Only possible due to their own poor reporting) that they forgot to mention that the Viet-Cong and North Vietnamese army were absolutely slaughtered in the ensuing fighting. Tet was exactly what Westy and the rest of the WW2 Airborne types had been praying for since 1965. A set-piece battle where US firepower could be brought to bear on an exposed enemy. Instead of coverage of the complete rout and wholesale destruction of the enemy, we got Walter Cronkite saying there was no hope of victory. Perhaps an accurate statement overall, but certainly not accurate in relation to Tet.

I don't want my war data fed to me by the Pentagon. But neither do I want to get "amateur hour" coverage by reporters who seem to know nothing. Hopefully the press will learn on the job and start getting out better quality news from the front. If it does not, the press will have only itself to blame when the military pulls the plug next time. And we will all be the worse for that.

Jubal has published numerous freelance magazine and newspaper articles since 1990 and worked as a newspaper reporter in Washington State. He has won several journalism awards. He is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force.

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Is war coverage accurate?
o Yes 3%
o No 59%
o Only from Al Jazera 9%
o Only from Fox News 5%
o Only from The Revolutionary Worker 6%
o Who gives a damn, I want my "Friends" re-runs back! 4%
o War? There's a war? 11%

Votes: 175
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o Also by jubal3

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War coverage: Timely or Amateur? | 174 comments (151 topical, 23 editorial, 0 hidden)
Press under the threat of friendly fire... (3.33 / 3) (#163)
by Endaemon on Sat Mar 29th, 2003 at 12:44:58 AM EST

Are you surprised of lack of precision from the press? Check these reports from portuguese RTP (roughly translated by your trully)

The first casualty of all wars in the truth. There goes the old saying. The Pentagon ships into the new war with a new politics, alot more restricted, of control of the press. Near the rules of behavior, defined by the positive, there is a threat of drastic consequences to the insurgents that wish to tell with independence their on-site observations.

A rules come essentially through a program named "Embebbed correspondents", in wich some 500 journalists will participate, said the spoker from the Pentagon, Timothy Blair, quoted by the german diary "Süddeutsche Zeitung".

The new rules of control of journalists are continuosly being elaborated along the whims of Donald Rumsfeld department. They prevent correspondents of war of designating the places and moments of military operations with precision and hand them the paths they are allowed to make. They disencourage any "free-lancers" initiatives and limit the embebed journalists movements into the most sensible theatres of war. In those only specially selected teams are allowed to move.

That said, german television chains have been reporting the fear of staying, for whatever comes to pass in the moment and the places of importance, dependant from the images gathered by CNN, CBS, and BBC teams. And, as so they already have contracts with those chains more well-regarded by the Pentagon.

Another procedure that is now being used is the retrieval of all the filming equipments by the military, right on the act of "embebing" the journalists. The delivery of those equipments is then subject to each concrete and pontual usage, previously communicated and reported.

The perverse consequence of such control is the warning that the prestigious journalist Kate Adie said to have received from a Pentagon member: any equipment detected filming or recorded on non-authorized zones will automaticly become target under fire from the north-american forces.


António Louçã, RTP Multimédia
2003-03-18 16:47:00

Repack your adjectives (4.33 / 3) (#147)
by yndrd on Fri Mar 28th, 2003 at 08:11:02 AM EST

I'm usually suspicious of news coverage overly laden with adjectives and adverbs, particularly subjective ones. I don't need to be told a bombing raid was "deadly" or "devastating" or "awe-inspiring." I doubt any of the journalists reporting on the war have the proper context to judge a firefight as "heavy" or "light."

I much prefer the CSPAN floating anonymous camera approach, but I suppose in war there has to be SOME interpretation. I just wish they didn't have to use such hyperbole to play up the ratings value of the dramatic story of war.

WWF (wrestling) and audience maturity (2.75 / 4) (#142)
by ftee on Fri Mar 28th, 2003 at 05:15:57 AM EST

I'm amazed at how many people in the USA (and those aping American culture in other countries) watch WWF on tv. They KNOW everything is madeup but still the level of enjoyment/belief is awesome. This reflects their level of maturity and appetite for anything that is exciting. No, wonder American way of life is swayed by whatever is shown on the idiot box. ftee

Dead or alive, that's the question (3.00 / 1) (#141)
by Pholostan on Fri Mar 28th, 2003 at 04:21:42 AM EST

According to CNN, this Saddam Hussein guy has been dead about 27 times (IIRC). Fox News has reported him dead only 23 times (IIRC, again) and seriously wounded twelve times. He has more lives than a whole litter of kittens, that guy.

- And blood tears I cry Endless greif remained inside
Perceptions of the War (4.00 / 7) (#135)
by jonathon on Thu Mar 27th, 2003 at 11:49:59 PM EST
(jonathon@despammed.com) http://encryptedthoughts.com

Here's a good article from the Washington Post about the stark contrast between US and UK (BBC) reporting of the war, possibly due to the different audiences they are playing to. The BBC is coming under attack from various sources regarding its coverage.

Psychedelics are probably responsible for every aspect of human evolution apart from the decline in bodyhair.
-- Terence McKenna, Food of the Gods
Fact is... (3.37 / 8) (#133)
by rmn on Thu Mar 27th, 2003 at 11:38:11 PM EST

Fact is, many people who choose journalism do so because it's one of the few academic careers with little or no maths. You don't need to be a maths genius to be a good journalist, but if you're absolutely hopeless at (and afraid of) maths, chances are you're not very good at logic, either. And that means you won't be able to sort the information from random noise.

As has been said, judging from journalism about subjects one knows well (in my case computers and video), one has to assume the rest of journalism is equally bad and unreliable.


Small firefights... (3.60 / 5) (#128)
by melior on Thu Mar 27th, 2003 at 09:28:59 PM EST

...called "heavy resistance". This one belongs in a different category than misapprehending the official lingo for a military rank, or the official corporate nickname for a weapons system. This is most likely due to nothing more than journalists reporting what they're told by one side of the conflict, without consideration for a term's customary usage.
Two other recent examples:

"diplomacy" : trying to convince other nations to start a war

"coalition" forces : two nations' forces (also: "vast coalition")


- That's OK, I wasn't really using all of my Constitutional rights anyway...
MicroReporting? (3.50 / 2) (#126)
by jonathanwilson on Thu Mar 27th, 2003 at 09:05:06 PM EST

Not so long ago there were politicians who were accused of micromanaging, whether it was a war or the economy -- it was considered a bad thing that the leader should have his head so stuck into the situation that he couldn't get the big picture.  It was considered bad that he couldn't trust his generals to do the job that they were trained to do without getting in their face about every little thing.

I think the micromanagers in this war are the press.  Because the newsfeed is 24/7 there is constant demand for even the thinnest shred of new information.  I have been struck that there is very little professionalism about the tv coverage that I have seen so far.  

It feels an awful lot like watching local TV news.  

I would appreciate it if the anchors would act like editors -- taking the live feed from the embedded troops and adding qualifying statements, big picture, corroboration from other sources, and plain old fact checking.  The live feed is good for local color -- but not good to report as fact on the spot.

a good article (5.00 / 3) (#124)
by YelM3 on Thu Mar 27th, 2003 at 07:58:32 PM EST

Here's a good article on some inaccurate BBC reporting going on: http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=story_25-3-2003_pg4_19

too critical (3.50 / 2) (#120)
by gdanjo on Thu Mar 27th, 2003 at 07:01:27 PM EST

You're view of war is too "techie." We geeks suffer the same problem when talking about computers.

What you need to understand is that people's perception of war activities are skewed - reporters tend to skew their reports (unintentionally) to that what people are interested in. For example, human injury, while not a big deal for soldiers, are a huge deal for us. When we see dead bodies and cruelty, we read it as far more important than the 120 bombs that fell 2 minutes later (I'll never forget seeing that taliban soldier being "torn apart" by northern forces - and then crow about it to the camera).

Remember, the audience is not critical. Showing them "too critical" information would skew their perception in other ways (and you'd run behind them shouting "no, no, that's not what I meant!").

Dan ...
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Ugly is in the eye of the observer

Inaccurate, but still worthwhile (5.00 / 2) (#117)
by scratchmonkey on Thu Mar 27th, 2003 at 06:02:15 PM EST

I think you have a good point about the lack of accuracy coming from embedded journalists. However, I think they still serve a valid purpose, in that they're able to communicate to the folks at home, just how chaotic and harrowing it can be on the front lines.

I spent 8 years in the U.S. Navy, and was deployed with the 1st FSSG Marines during Gulf 1, and like you, I sometimes get frustrated by the apparent lack of military knowledge put out by the reporters. However, it's useful to remember that they haven't been to boot camp, and probably haven't seen much in the way of instruction about the differences in rank structure between the branches, or chain of command, or anything else that's typically covered in basic training.

Given that many of these reporters are reporting under conditions that for them would constitute extreme duress, I think they're doing a good job by and large.

As the military is fond of reminding us, "First reports are always inaccurate." That's what we're getting from the embedded reporters, first reports. For more accurate coverage, I think we need to look to the news weeklies, like TIME or NEWSWEEK, because they have a bit more time between issues to do their fact-checking. Taking all your news from a single medium or source is usually a bad idea anyway.

I also think you may be more alert to (and more irritated by) this type of reporting, because you're a journalist yourself. No one likes to see sloppy work sulley their own profession. But in this case, you're taking people who weren't trained for combat, and putting them in combat situations. So even though I think you're right, I also think we could give the embedded folk a little slack. I agree that this would be a bad situation if the ONLY news of the war came from the embedded reporters, but that's not the case.

Your poll doesn't make sense (1.66 / 3) (#102)
by humble on Thu Mar 27th, 2003 at 02:55:30 PM EST

I couldn't cast a vote because the question doesn't make any sense -- all of the information being put out is so loaded with purpose (and I say this as an Indymedia die-hard) that accuracy doesn't even factor into it.

It should read "Is war coverage all propaganda?" then I could have at least voted "yes".

No captains in the Navy? (3.33 / 3) (#99)
by baron samedi on Thu Mar 27th, 2003 at 02:46:09 PM EST

Uh. The rank of captain *is* a U.S. Navy rank. It comes after Commander and before Rear Admiral, it's Army equivalent is Colonel.

bah! (3.00 / 4) (#88)
by Lenny on Thu Mar 27th, 2003 at 01:08:19 PM EST

So you want to know what's REALLY going on?
Volunteer for the Marines

"Hate the US? Boycott everything American. Particularly websites."
Canadian General's view on the coverage (5.00 / 2) (#84)
by CitAnon on Thu Mar 27th, 2003 at 10:56:06 AM EST

Battling with Reality.

I appreciate that news can qualify as entertainment and war news can be the best "entertainment" of all. Nevertheless, when the coverage of a few exciting but relatively minor events during a series of brilliant and major military successes captures the attention of the international media and rocks the stock markets, an old soldier just shakes his head in bewilderment.

Maj-Gen. Lewis MacKenzie, now retired, commanded UN troops during the Bosnian civil war of 1992.

I agree, reporting sucks (2.00 / 1) (#81)
by gr00vey on Thu Mar 27th, 2003 at 09:54:34 AM EST

http://www.fair.org/whats-new.html It is shoddy, biased, and poor.

Let's put it this way. (3.00 / 4) (#77)
by mguercio on Thu Mar 27th, 2003 at 09:07:49 AM EST

This is TV, entertainment, a show; just like a movie with drama and violence. The media wants ratings. If we wanted accuracy we would have a spy network owned by a public news agency (not going to happen). That's why the government has press conferences. They us this media for propeganda. You know the FUD of politics and military psycological control. All you sheep out there just love to be poked and prodded in the directions the government and military want's you to go. There is no democracy in the US nor any other country. Wake up! Quit allowing the powers that be to insult your intellegences! See what is really happening with the way the war is waged! Gee, this war seems to be a more modern take off of the one that was waged in Afganistan by the USSR. Only instead of the US companies supplying Bin Laden with weapons to fight the USSR with, the Russin companies are supplying Saddam with weapons to fight the US with.
The definition of "high achievment" is not the wisdom that you have attained yourself, but the wisdom you can share with others.
Inexperience (3.00 / 1) (#74)
by khakipuce on Thu Mar 27th, 2003 at 07:21:19 AM EST

While embedding, live reporting and all the rest is generally a good thing, the number of journalists needed to cover all aspects is huge. So, while in the past the majority of the war reporting came from journalists who were war speicalists, we now have a wide range of journalists covering the war. And so the quality of the reporting suffers.

And it's not just the war, the depletion of journalists in newsrooms has lead to some bizzar situations. On one UK breakfast programme we regularly see the resident celeb trivia correspondent covering the White House, because she happens to be all they've got in the US.

Interesting Stuff
al-jazeera down? (2.00 / 2) (#70)
by circletimessquare on Thu Mar 27th, 2003 at 06:37:13 AM EST

al-jazeera seems to be down

www.aljazeera.net and english.aljazeera.net are unreachable to me

anyone else have this experience?

i am on the eastern seaboard of the us

i have heard rumors about hax0rs waging war on the server

i have also heard that it is down due to the massive demand

but the paranoid schizophrenics amongst will of course shout "censorship!"

who knows? they could be right, considering the contentious nature of the pictures they have been showing, really anything is possible

consider this

any comments on whether you can reach/ can't reach al-jazeera and where you are geographically in the world would be much appreciated

C:\>tracert life.liberty.pursuit-of-happiness
Timely (none / 0) (#68)
by RandomAction on Thu Mar 27th, 2003 at 05:50:22 AM EST

report impressions, not facts and do it on live television/radio I think impressions matter, how it feels on/near the front line.

denote "stiff" resistance I guess if youre not used to any resistance, and weren't expecting it, then any resistance might feel stiff.

I have feeling it's gonna get a lot stiffer in the comming weeks.

Are we winning or losing? What towns do we control if any? If not, why not? These are all important questions I have a feeling that from front line commanders right up to the top, these questions aren't getting answered instantly either, I mean war is a confusing buisness.

Getting reporting from the front line in near real time is bound to purvey an innacurate message, the same message that the troops are sending their line commander, all the way up the chain. The inaccuracy can only be corrected over time. EG "X has been captured, all the mines have been cleared..." Boom! "Apart from that one.." rinse.. repeat..

randomactions new pig blog
As if (3.33 / 3) (#66)
by fhotg on Thu Mar 27th, 2003 at 05:30:19 AM EST

the military had no influence on what characters they "embedded". From all I've heard, those reporters were "hand-picked" by the military. If you observe an obvious lack of expertise concerning matters of war, this was a conscious decision by the Pentagon. The reason for this, you explain very well: Sport reporters are much easier to bullshit. This has the unwanted side-effect that these are also much easier to scare. You still can be sure that no word of "stiff resistance" is getting out if this doesn't fit into the propaganda plan, as the "embeds" are totally censored.
Linux like teepee: No windows, no gates, Apache inside

Reporters (none / 0) (#63)
by tang gnat on Thu Mar 27th, 2003 at 03:01:18 AM EST

Need to know how to write, not how to think.

ORRRR (4.00 / 3) (#62)
by gnovos on Thu Mar 27th, 2003 at 02:50:12 AM EST
(k5@KILLSPAMchipped.net) http://www.chipped.net

Now calling a plane by the wrong nickname may seem pretty trivial, but in fact, it's sloppy reporting.

Or it could be:

Reporter: Hey, G.I. Joe, what's that plane called?
Soldier: Um, Tomcat
Reporter: Cool, what about the tank, and be quick to answer, I don't have all damn day.
Soldier: That is the M113-Z Stinking Silverfish, sir!

And thus the reporter goes on to make an ass of himself on TV.

A Haiku: "fuck you fuck you fuck/you fuck you fuck you fuck you/fuck you fuck you snow" - JChen
A Lack of fact checking is not news (5.00 / 1) (#54)
by leviramsey on Wed Mar 26th, 2003 at 08:35:42 PM EST
(lramsey.student@umass.edu (swap @,.)) http://tatiana.cygnetnet.net

The fact is that, in the reputable media, facts are rarely checked. The irony is that the US newspaper with the toughest fact-checking requirements is the National Enquirer, which (because of fears of libel suits and so forth) requires its writers to back up every sentence. Of course, they get around a lot by writing it as "sources close to LaToya Jackson report...", but the fact that the NY Times or whatnot don't require their reporters to back everything up is disconcerting, if you're going to place your trust in them.
Who am I?
It's like Monolinux, but for all Unices
Surrender (4.75 / 12) (#53)
by CaptainSuperBoy on Wed Mar 26th, 2003 at 08:29:29 PM EST

Hey, remember when Iraq's 51st infantry division surrendered last week? CNN gobbled up those figures. First the reporter said "don't quote me on this, but I believe there were 8000 soldiers in the division." 10 seconds later the news ticker said "8000 Iraqi soldiers surrender." The next day it was in a bunch of newspapers. It seemed like bullshit at the time, the reporter had no way of knowing how many soldiers were actually in the division, how many had surrendered, and how many were actually taken into custody. So sure enough, today we found out that the 51st is alive and well, battling British forces in Basra.

Clearly the problem is CNN's failure to do even basic fact checking. Of course the US military will report inaccurate information, they should know that. Did anyone even question the logistics of 8000 guys (along with their 200 tanks) being taken into custody?

"okay, here's how this will play out: people will banter back and forth ... and generally no one will change their minds." -LilDebbie
Not limited to military reporting.... (4.66 / 3) (#49)
by porkchop_d_clown on Wed Mar 26th, 2003 at 07:02:32 PM EST
(porkchop_d_clown) http://homepage.mac.com/porkchop_d_clown

US News & World Report had a small article on how astronomers had identified a huge gas giant (a type of planet) that was apparently being slowly eaten by its star. Next to the article was what was obviously one of those space paintings that make such spectacular art - the planets royal blue atmosphere boiling away behind it as it blended with the yellow star.

Except US News & World Report identified it as a photo - from Hubble, of course.

Check me on this - but you'd need a lens as wide as our moon to get a good photo of a planet circling another star - and the colors wouldn't be nearly so pretty...

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him go off the high dive.

I saw something like that too... (4.40 / 5) (#45)
by Zarniwoop on Wed Mar 26th, 2003 at 06:14:54 PM EST
(ejs(a)alfachannel.net) http://www.alfachannel.net

No one who knew the subject matter would call the F-18, a Navy plane an Air Force plane.

On one of the cable news stations (I can't remember whether it was CNN or Fox News), there was a reporter at an airfield watching a F/A-18 come in. As it rolled by, he was talking about how it was an A-10. I guess I'm an aircraft pedant, but I have no idea how someone could mistake an F/A-18 for an A-10. I mean really, if the gatling gun on the front, the enormous engines, the twin tail, and the straight wings don't tip you off... ugh...

It kind of reminds me of this top-notch reporting on the Space Shuttle.

I don't know if the blatent inaccuracies are a result of embedded reporting -- it seems more like the usual incompetence that happens when you get an expert out of their field. However, I can definitely see how the reporters may lose perspective. What a reporter considers "heavy fire" might be a light fight for a Marine.

Beats died a long time ago (5.00 / 5) (#36)
by blisspix on Wed Mar 26th, 2003 at 05:15:43 PM EST

The era of the beat reporter is long over. The way news is now constructed does not allow enough staff to become specialists at anything, unless they work for niche publications. Nowadays, a news story that you read in the newspaper may have been put together by 6, 7, 8 people, using wires, interviews, Internet, databases, researchers, etc etc. Mistakes happen because journalists don't have the time to check copy, they often have to assume that the Reuters feed is right when it comes to terminology and minutae.

I just finished a Master's thesis which in part looked at self-evaluation of stories by journalists. They just don't get time to do it, and thus don't truly learn that they have made mistakes either in their search for data sources or in facts. This happens with all kinds of reporting, but especially with technical reporting in military, sciences etc where it is likely that no-one in the newsroom will have that expertise.

End result? If you see a mistake on air or in a newspaper, write in and tell them to correct it. It's the only way they'll know.

Print versus televised (4.50 / 2) (#31)
by ensignyu on Wed Mar 26th, 2003 at 04:42:13 PM EST

We had a career day at our school and I attended a lecture/Q&A by the vice president of the news department of a fairly large print-media company. He expressed similar concerns and said that the newspaper strives to sift through the individual reports and get a broader perspective.

Unfortunately, television and radio tends to do more cut&paste editing and in a hurry as well.

Actually, I've stopped watching television for war news, because it just repeats itself over and over during the day. With the newspaper, I can read what happened after things have been sorted out (no "I-think-they-may-be-moving-out-now. lets-go-check-with-the-commander") and in more detail as well.

Embedding (3.75 / 4) (#30)
by duxup on Wed Mar 26th, 2003 at 04:36:47 PM EST
(privacy@real.com (see homepage)) http://8421.net

I'm confused, is the criticism here directed at the act of embedding reporters in units, or just the reporters being stupid?  I don't see how embedding the reporter causes them to get warplane nicknames wrong.

I commented on this somewhat in my diary after reading a BBC editorial about the number of reporters tied to units and otherwise.  I noted:

I have to agree it is interesting the paradox between being close to the war and the soldiers fighting it, and maintaining their objectivity.  Still I think sticking with a unit and growing close to them is not a bad way to report a war.  A reporter must still be aware of their prejudices and such, but disconnecting yourself form everything and walking around reporting "marine in foxhole fired 3 shots, marine in next foxhole fired 1 shot" doesn't do much either.

In the end no single reporter can provide an over all view of the war, and those sticking close to units provide an important part of that story.  Of course, the reporters I've known always think they can tell the whole story, and usually think they should be the only one doing it for their particular organization.  Just one of those weird things about news reporters.

Amazed (1.33 / 3) (#28)
by etherdeath on Wed Mar 26th, 2003 at 04:14:37 PM EST
(AIM:etherdeath|ICQ:16881358) http://www.dpds.net

at your ability to go on and on without any references.  You people are true thinkers and philosophers.

good article... (4.33 / 6) (#23)
by Run4YourLives on Wed Mar 26th, 2003 at 12:19:51 PM EST
(dpspmacct @ hotmail . com)

All of it is true, and is a reflection of the standards of modern journalism.

If you think they're incompetent in the States, though, you should coume up to Canada... these guys (and girls) wouldn't know an M1-A1 was American if it had a giant US flag painted on the side of it.

The best reporters, of course, are the Brits though. Although they make mistakes as well, they are usually minor, and have at least the common sense to say they are unsure of something, instead of just making wild speculations.

I read yesterday on some news site that some Private was from the 7th Company Brigade. I know cadets that can do a better job than that.

We bomb for peace on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. We bring democracy by bypassing the UN voting process on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays...- Rogerborg
Just not sure (4.50 / 4) (#14)
by Dphitz on Wed Mar 26th, 2003 at 10:41:04 AM EST

I like the idea of front line reporting but I usually wait a day or two to see what news is and isn't true.  Based on the headlines, the coalition forces have gained control of Basra several times.  Every source wants to be the first to scoop a story which leads to inaccurate, exaggerated or false reports.  But it's better than what the Pentagon will feed you.

I also see this coverage as being detrimental to support for the war back home.  Minute by minute updates and front line reporting brings us closer to what happens.  With 24/7 coverage it seems the war has been going on for weeks.  Now, every time a Marine is killed it's a main story.  My local news (southern California) has run a 5 minute story on every soldier wounded or killed who was based near-by.  All this is going to lower people's tolerance for a body count.  People who once supported the war may start to doubt it's purpose should the count reach 500.  (not to mention the dubious nature of this war)

God, please save me . . . from your followers
Republican Guard (5.00 / 3) (#13)
by alfadir on Wed Mar 26th, 2003 at 08:46:01 AM EST

I find it strange that US/UK troops keeps running into the eliteforces of the Iraqi military. I am not talking about the Republican Guard, which I thought was as elite you could get. At least remembering the first Gulf War.

Now, they use names of special units, Medinas, etc. that should be cream de la cream of Iraqi forces. The most loyal to Saddam. Fine. But all the american forces no matter where they run into stiff resistance are subject to these elite groups according to reporters. (CNN beeing my only american newssource). I found/find that very inconsistent. I mean how many of them are there..

Semantic trivia. (4.28 / 7) (#3)
by elenchos on Wed Mar 26th, 2003 at 03:19:44 AM EST
(elenchos@adequacy.org) http://www.adequacy.org

I wouldn't read too much into a reporter getting military lingo "wrong". While not knowing that the Navy grades don't have the same names as the Army is a genuine blunder, things like nicknames of weapons are not anything to go by. The Air Force's official nickname for the F-16 is the Falcon or Fighting Falcon. Hardly any airmen call it that. An embedded reporter with an F-16 squadron would hear them calling the planes "Lawn Darts" or "Vipers", and might never hear the word "Falcon" pass anyone's lips. The A-10 "Warthog" aka "Thunderbolt II" or B-52 "Stratofortress" aka "Buff" are similar cases. Arguably, a reporter who has never sat home reading Jane's to learn offical nicknames but who has learned the jargon from actual troops is a better source for us. The more interesting lesson here is on the psychology of an organization that feels the need to even have oxymoronic "official nicknames".

As far as expecting a reporter at ground level to know exactly how each isolated engagement he sees is realated to the grand scheme is as realistic as expecting an individual grunt to know whether or not we're winning the war.

This is perhaps the foundation of a real complaint: if everyone only pays attention to the lowest-level reporting, they are invariably going to get a distorted view. The press-briefing version, limited only to high-level reporting, in the last Gulf war, was equally distorted; perhaps worse.

So it isn't clear to me what the answer is. I don't see how ensuring that each and every reporter is a military semantics expert is going to change the fundamental problem, that reports close to the ground miss the big picture and that we can't trust what the leadership says. I suppose the fact is you can't have a war without misinformation any more than you can have a war without killing innocents. Offer what soulutions you will, but to me it sounds like a good reason to just not have a war. Or at least to stop and ask yourself what kind of country can't trust its own generals.

Okay, TiVo gets it, you like porn.
nice. (4.66 / 15) (#2)
by pb on Wed Mar 26th, 2003 at 12:42:10 AM EST

I've heard it said that reporters are accurate unless it's a subject that you actually know something about. I cringe every time I read a reporter talking about computers, Linux, viruses, etc., etc. I'm sure the war coverage is at least as bad, especially when everyone is scrambling to cover it...
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War coverage: Timely or Amateur? | 174 comments (151 topical, 23 editorial, 0 hidden)
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