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In order to create an account (which is free), fill out this form. You will receive an email containing your username and autogenerated password, at the address you provide here. Use this data to login. It's that easy.

Why is the password autogenerated? First, random passwords are typically more secure than non-random ones. Second, by requiring you to log in using a password we send you, we can make sure that the email address is valid. This makes it harder for malicious users to abuse the account creation system by creating an arbitrary number of accounts and spamming the site with stories or comments. If you do not like your autogenerated password, you can easily change it after logging in.

Again, your password will be mailed to the email address you enter here, so it must work. Do NOT enter a spam-protected or fake email address.

If you are concerned about privacy, this email does not have to be in any way traceable to you. We will never use the email you provide here for anything else, ever. All it needs to be is working, and accessible to you, at the time the account is created.

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