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The Rise Of The Machines (News)

By ricky james
Mon Apr 28th, 2003 at 03:08:10 PM EST

Let's start the week discussing a trio of articles worth reading on robot development efforts, past and future, on civilian robo-warriors, military robo-swarms, and academic robo-rats. Who knows where all of this is going to lead?


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First up, a Newsweek excerpt from the book "GEARHEADS: The Turbulent Rise of Robotic Sports" by Brad Stone. Detailed is Survival Research Lab's (SRL) December 2001 efforts to outsmart San Francisco law enforcement and hold banned robowar contests with 500+ spectators. "I have no bad feelings for the police and fire department," SRL guru Mark Pauline said. "I'll always find ways to get around the restrictions, and they'll always find new ways to circumvent the shows, and I'll always find new ways to uncircumvent them." Perhaps SFPD wanted to close SRL's shows down because not all the carnage was on the battle arena. At this show, one SRL co-conspirator climbed up to the top of the trucking containers, where the security team were monitoring their police scanners. She hadn't been up there yet and didn't know, as the other SRL members did, that a plastic rain shelter extending from one of the containers could not support any weight. She started to hug a friend, and took a wrong step onto the parapet. It crumbled. Both women fell 20 feet, tumbling across Pauline's peripheral vision as he spoke to his mom. "Uh, oh," the SRL chief thought. "That looked bad."

At least the SRL robots respected Asimov's First Law at the SRL event and weren't responsible for any human injuries suffered there. That may not be true of DARPA's new spawn. The research arm of the US military just gave Icosystems a contract to program a battalion of 120 military robots previously built by I-Robot with a swarm intelligence software upgrade to enable them to mimic the organised behavior of insects. Eric Bonabeau, chief scientist for Icosystems, concedes it is possible that some unforeseen circumstance could throw the robots into chaos. "There may be some pathological configurations and we need to investigate that," he says. "But I think that it applies to virtually every man made system that has to operate in the real world." Remind you of anything?

Finally, Steve Potter (no relation to Harry - we hope) of Georgia Tech has introduced the Hybrot, a small robot that moves about using the brain signals of a rat. Hybrot is the first robotic device whose movements are controlled by a network of cultured neuron cells and was built using a $1.2 million grant from the National Institutes of Health. Potter is connecting laboratory cultures containing living neurons to computers in order to create a simulated animal, which he describes as a "neurally-controlled animat." "We call it the 'Hybrot' because it is a hybrid of living and robotic components," he said. "We hope to learn how living neural networks may be applied to the artificial computing systems of tomorrow. We also hope that our findings may help cases in which learning, memory, and information processing go awry in humans."

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Related Links
o where all of this is going to lead
o Newsweek excerpt
o "GEARHEADS: The Turbulent Rise of Robotic Sports"
o Survival Research Lab's (SRL)
o banned robowar contests
o SRL's
o That looked bad
o DARPA's new spawn
o research arm of the US military
o Icosystems
o I-Robot
o Remind you of anything?
o Steve Potter
o Hybrot
o hybrid of living and robotic components
o More on Science
o Also by ricky james

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The Rise Of The Machines | 46 comments (40 topical, 6 editorial, 0 hidden)
Machines have already won (4.00 / 1) (#37)
by Kuranes on Tue Apr 29th, 2003 at 05:42:55 AM EST

Or at least, they are already in a superior position than men.

If you are able to read German, you might try this book, else read an English "about" book I don't know about.

Today, man tries to become part of the machine: We try to be "efficient" and "rational". The human body, as a living thing made to deteriorate, is seen as a defective thing. Affects are illnesses.

Wait for a moment, I might do a story on him some day.

War on Terror: Coming Soon to a Country in Your Neighbourhood
The golem project (4.50 / 4) (#32)
by QuantumG on Mon Apr 28th, 2003 at 08:31:57 PM EST

This is the future, robots that design and build their own offspring.

the defense department (3.00 / 2) (#28)
by bukvich on Mon Apr 28th, 2003 at 04:34:19 PM EST

should send SRL to Afghanistan and Iraq in a Bob Hope goodwill ambassador role. Those crazy teenage boys over there would go absolutely batshit for this stuff.

If You Liked This Story, Then... (4.66 / 3) (#25)
by ricky james on Mon Apr 28th, 2003 at 03:01:42 PM EST

...I write a couple 'o similar ones every day like these others on robotics or two dozen topic categories over on Sci-Fi Today, another Scoop site that focuses on cutting edge science stories. Please drop by for a visit frequently - join, comment, contribute, help us grow the site!!! If you like science, SFT could be the community site for you. If nothing else, sign up to get SFT headlines on your kuro5hin homepage. Thanks, and hope to see you over on SFT!!!

Time for a Butlerian Jihad.... {nt} (3.66 / 9) (#8)
by Stavr0 on Mon Apr 28th, 2003 at 12:08:30 PM EST

- - -
Pax Americana : Oderint Dum Metuant
I want to see the clash of dystopian universes (4.00 / 5) (#6)
by circletimessquare on Mon Apr 28th, 2003 at 11:31:59 AM EST

Matrix versus Skynet.

Which would win?

Fanboys, Otaku: discuss.

C:\>tracert life.liberty.pursuit-of-happiness
I want to be a robot (3.85 / 7) (#5)
by tang gnat on Mon Apr 28th, 2003 at 11:10:10 AM EST

  1. Design and construct nanites.
  2. Translate my brain into the nanite architecture.
  3. ???
  4. PROFIT!
Seriously, I mean every step there.

Packbot == Prey? (4.58 / 12) (#3)
by Peter Vile on Mon Apr 28th, 2003 at 11:04:21 AM EST

"Oh my god!  The large, clumsy, unarmed robots have gone berserk!  They're crawling towards us... very... slowly...  Our only chance to not have our shins nudged uncomfortably hard is to walk away from them until their batteries run - oh, never mind, they've stopped."

rusty made nowhere near $80K this year for posting diaries about how fucking great it is spending our money.
The Rise Of The Machines | 46 comments (40 topical, 6 editorial, 0 hidden)
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