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Welcome to the Career Management Resource Group at Resources for Life. Our goal is to provide information and resources for personal Career Management and development.

Whether you are looking for employment or wanting to enhance and secure your existing workplace, we hope the information here will be of help.

About Career Management [Top of Page]

Simply stated, Career Management is the process of improving your effectiveness and value as an employee. This process benefits your current employer as well as any future employer. There are many methods for improving your effectiveness and value. Here are some suggestions:

bulletResume. Maintain a current, up-to-date, resume to help you keep a focus on your past accomplishments and future goals. This is helpful even if you aren't looking for a new job.
bulletContinuing Education. Participate in continuing education to help you increase your effectiveness on the job. Consider this, Why should your employer give you that next raise or promotion if you are the same person with the same skills and experience they hired years ago? Give your current employer and any future prospective employer good reasons to value your abilities. For assistance with educational strategies, visit Life University. Click here to visit Life University now.
bulletDon't Just Secure Your Job - Secure Your Workplace. The traditional competitive workplace mentality is one of watching out for yourself. Securing your workplace is about watching out for everybody and striving to make your business/department/organization profitable, effective, productive, growing, and secure for everyone.
bulletConsulting. Consider starting a consulting business. Even if you only work 10 hours a month. At $40 to $60 an hour, that could mean an extra $5,000 by the end of the year. In addition, consulting can give you experience and learning opportunities that you might not get on your regular job. You might even be able to bring some additional skills and knowledge to your full-time job that will benefit everyone. Click here for more information on starting a consulting business.
bulletMultiple Income Streams. When rock climbing, there is a general rule that you should maintain three points of contact. For financial and career stability, consider having three or more sources of income. You wouldn't put all of your money in one place. For the same reason, you should depend on a single source for your income. Click here for more information on starting a consulting business.
bulletCareer Assessment. How is your current job impacting the other major areas of your life such as family, health, faith, finances, and your ability to improve your world? If it isn't making these areas of your life better, consider how you can improve the situation. If improving the situation isn't an option, consider a different job. For an inspirational story from the Faith Resource Group about changing careers, click here.
bulletBalanced Living. The future stability and effectiveness of your career greatly depends on how balanced and healthy the rest of your life is. Visit the Resources for Life Map Page to explore how you can improve and secure the various areas of your life such as family, health, faith, finances, and your ability to improve your world. Click here to visit the Map Page now.

Finding Employment [Top of Page]

Many people take time to think about and reflect upon their career when looking for a new job. In recent years, the process of finding employment has become increasingly automated. We now provide links to a long list of online career and job services. Here's how to get started.

  1. Learn about the available online services and also try to discover services in your area.
  2. Pick a few services that you want to use.
  3. Polish up your resume and use the guidelines suggested by the service provider(s) you've selected. 
  4. Begin to regularly use the services you have decided to work with. This will involve an ongoing process of contacting employers and sending out resumes.
  5. Continue this process. Don't get discouraged if you don't find something right away. Some employers advertise jobs that don't exist just to collect resumes. Other job listings are for jobs for which someone is already lined up to take the position, but for legal/political reasons the business/organization advertises the position anyway. If you are patient and persistent, the search will pay off.

Some people remain unemployed for months or years of instability while they dream of finding the 'perfect' job like someone hoping to win the lottery. Most people are better off finding some form of employment just to keep busy, motivated, and have an income. You can send out resumes on weekends and evenings. Or, find a job that offers odd-hours such as 2nd shift work, evening work, or weekend work. This way you can still have a solid income and have time during the week for job searching and interviews.

Iowa City [Top of Page]

Because of the increasing interest in employment opportunities for the Iowa City Area, we've added this special section for those seeking employment in this area. Keep in mind that some of the nation-wide career services are a good resource for local jobs as well.

bullet Corridor Careers
This is an excellent resource for finding professional jobs in the Iowa City, Coralville, and Cedar Rapids areas.
[click here]
bullet Technisource (of Cedar Rapids)
Excellent source for local employment opportunities. These are sometimes short-term jobs that can turn into full-time employment.
4800 North River Blvd NE, Suite 200
Cedar Rapids, IA 52411
Phone: (800) 330-0309 or (319) 378-9220
Fax: (319) 378-9229
Email: CedarRapids_jobs@technisource.com

bullet University of Iowa Employment Services
The University of Iowa is one of the areas best employers. The online listing of Professional and Scientific employment opportunities is updated regularly, so check back frequently for updates and new listings. [click here for UI Employment Services]

National Career Services [Top of Page]

Below are links to online Career and Job services. If you find that one of these links is outdated, please let us know. Click here for our feedback form.

  1. 6FigureJobs

  2. AboutJobs.com (Intern Jobs, Overseas Jobs, Resort Jobs, Summer Jobs)

  3. America's Job Bank

  4. American Journalism Review (jobs for journalists)

  5. Ants (projects for freelance writers)

  6. Business Plan Center

  7. Career Babe

  8. Career Builder

  9. Career City

  10. Career Hunters

  11. Career Magazine

  12. Career Mart

  13. Career Resource Center

  14. Career Site

  15. Career Journal - The Wall Street Journal

  16. ComputerJobs.com

  17. Dream Jobs - Advice for Web Developers (Wired Magazine)

  18. Emplawyernet - Legal Jobs

  19. Reference Research - What are your references really saying about you?

  20. Equal Opportunity Publications

  21. Guru.com - Support for Independent Professionals

  22. HeadHunter.net

  23. HerHomeOffice.com - Support for Home Based Business or Office

  24. HotJobs.com

  25. Intern Jobs

  26. Internet Career Connection

  27. Job Options

  28. Jobwire

  29. KForce

  30. Minority Career Network

  31. Monster

  32. More Business - By Entrepreneurs for Entrepreneurs

  33. Muslim Career Center

  34. Nation Job Network

  35. Occupational Outlook Handbook

  36. Online Job Store

  37. Overseas Jobs

  38. Public Interest Jobs (PIRG)

  39. Quintessential Careers

  40. Resort Jobs

  41. Retail Recruiter

  42. Salary.com

  43. Senior Job Bank

  44. Small Business Help Center

  45. Summer Jobs

  46. Technisource

  47. Teksystems

  48. Theatre Jobs

  49. Thingamajob

  50. Transitions Abroad - Travel, Work, Study

  51. Unappreciated.com

  52. Virginia Tech Career Services

  53. Web Jobs USA

  54. Work At Home.com

  55. Work at Home Dot Com

  56. Workopolis - Canadian Jobs

Consulting [Top of Page]

A full-time consulting position may feel too risky for many people. However, part-time consulting is a great way to make additional income. The tax benefits of having your own business can be significant. Services such as Freelance.com provide a public venue to get the word out to a 'warm market' of people who are interested in the services you offer. Explore your interests. Ask yourself what work you would do if you could do anything you wanted: computer programming, training, lawn care, healthcare, financial services, etc.  Then figure out a way to get paid to do that. You may need some additional education or technology, but begin where you are at. Create a web page and business card. Begin with your personal network of family, friends, colleagues, and associates. Perhaps they could use your services or at least they could help spread the word. The Technology Services Resource Group at Resources for Life is a consulting business that was 'organically-grown' over time thanks to the word-of mouth advertising of satisfied customers. Click here to learn more about the business model.

Turn-Key Businesses. Starting a small 'franchise-like' business can be an excellent learning opportunity. While some 'franchise-like' businesses have a high cost of entry (such as vending), others have minimal startup costs. Statistically these businesses don't offer significant incomes for the large numbers of people who join up. However, their business model and educational tools are quite helpful for helping you formulate, market, and build your own consulting business. Here are some companies that make it possible to start your own in-home multi-national brand name business:

bulletAmway - products and services from thousands of vendors
bulletChanges International - nutrition, a Twin Labs Company
bulletMelaleuca - nutrition, dental, home care, internet service, Kosher products
bulletParty Lite - candles, gifts, home decorations
bulletPrimerica - financial products, services, and support
bulletQuixtar - products and services from thousands of vendors, online shopping
bulletShaklee - products for healthy living
bulletTupperware - kitchen supplies, storage containers
bulletWatkins - products for healthy living

Thank You [Top of Page]

Thanks for visiting the Career Resource Group. Please let us know if there is any way we can serve you better.


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