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Accompanied by all sorts of story book characters, Lynne Cheney the host of the 2003 White House Easter Egg Roll, addresses the media on the South Lawn Monday, April 21, 2003. "But most of all, we are proud of all of you, the men and women who serve our country, who keep our country free," said Mrs. Cheney in her opening remarks welcoming U.S. military families to the event.

Lynne V. Cheney Remarks

"Service: An Enduring American Strength" -- United Way Summit on Women in Philanthropy, Atlanta, GA, May 16, 2003
"Family Stories" - Washington, DC, May 5, 2003
"Constitution Day" - Fairfax County (VA) Public Library, Sept. 17, 2002
“Why History Shouldn't Be a Mystery” – National Press Club, July 2, 2002
“Service: An Enduring American Strength”-- Volunteerism Awards, New York City, April 24, 2002
“Teaching for Freedom” – Princeton University, Nov. 29, 2001
“Women and the West” -- National Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame, Fort Worth, Texas, Nov. 2, 2001
“Teaching Our Children About America” – Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture, Dallas, Texas, Oct. 5, 2001
Lynne Cheney Biography Lynne V. Cheney has spent much of her professional life writing and speaking about the importance of knowing history and teaching it well.
Vice President Residence Tour
Join Lynne Cheney as she takes you on a personal tour of the Vice President's Residence.

Video Tour »
Easter Egg Roll 2003
Mrs. Cheney hosted the 2003 White House Easter Egg Roll and was joined by U.S. military families from all branches.
The Constitution
Lynne Cheney, the wife of Vice President Dick Cheney, celebrated the anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787.
Number One Observatory Circle
The house was "taken over" in 1974 when Congress turned "Number One Observatory Circle" into the official residence of the Vice President.

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