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President Discusses Economy, North Korea with Cabinet

President Bush discussed progress on freedom and peace around the world, strengthening the economy and job creation, and recent developments in North Korea with members of his Cabinet  

President Bush Discusses Top Priorities for the U.S.
   President Bush held a press conference from the Rose Garden today to discuss the two top priorities for the U.S. -- the safety of the American people and the economic security of the American people.
President Bush Calls for Action on 38th Anniversary of Medicare
   President Bush said, "Now the House and Senate must iron out the remaining differences and send me a bill. For the sake of our seniors, for the sake of future retirees, we must strengthen and modernize Medicare this year."
President Discusses Middle East Peace with Prime Minister Sharon
   President Bush said, "The rise of a peaceful Palestinian state and the long-term security of the Israeli people both depend on defeating the threat of terrorist groups and ending incitement and hatred."

President Addresses Urban League
President Bush Welcomes Prime Minister Abbas to White House
President Discusses Economy, Jobs in Michigan
President Discusses Economy, Child Tax Credit in Philadelphia
Remarks by the President with the Secretary of Defense and the Presidential Envoy to Iraq
President Honors 2003 Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipients
Barney-Cam Holiday Video Released

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