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»Long-Distance Routing Draws Short Straw - 05:15 AM EDT
»Murder Suspect Shoots Self, Daughter, Cop - 01:31 AM EDT
»Teens Accused of Homeless Stun-Gun Attacks - 12:12 AM EDT

The Miami Herald
  More than 125 hopefuls file in California election
Prominent Democrat drops out of the race
Scores of Californians took the once-in-a-lifetime shot to run for governor Saturday in the state's unprecedented recall election as Democrats successfully whittled their own field to one major backup candidate in case Gov. Gray Davis is ousted.



Settlement near in nation's longest desegregation case
Deal's virtue: Ending lawsuit, since whites fled long ago
President Eisenhower was launching his reelection bid, blacks were still ''Negroes'' in headlines, and jeans sold for $2.98 in 1956, when black schoolchildren here embarked on what has become the nation's oldest school-desegregation lawsuit.

Groups unite in plan to oust Bush from office in 2004
Labor, environmental and women's organizations, with strong backing from international financier George Soros, have joined forces behind a new political group that plans to spend an unprecedented $75 million to mobilize voters to defeat President Bush in 2004.

Promising results reported against Lou Gehrig's disease
(AP) -- A new type of gene therapy has doubled the life of mice with a laboratory form of Lou Gehrig's disease, and researchers say they are planning to test the technique on human patients.

Bush throws barbecue for fundraisers; monitors criticize privacy
President Bush brought in his most prolific fundraisers for a private barbecue down the road from his ranch Saturday as he turned his attention from rebuilding Iraq to reelection politics.

Bandits and bilkers threaten Iraqi money
Basil, a 39-year-old Palestinian American known as ''the Palace Money Man,'' has one of the most dangerous jobs in Iraq. He totes an AK-47 rifle and an MP5 machine gun as he maneuvers between two worlds that are connected by money.

Teamsters union endorses Gephardt for president
(AP) -- Democratic presidential hopeful Dick Gephardt accepted the Teamsters union's formal endorsement Saturday in the union stronghold of Michigan before moving on to rally Teamsters in Iowa and New Hampshire.

Honolulu mayor gets skull in mail
(AP) -- A package with a cryptic message sent to Mayor Jeremy Harris has opened an ancient mystery. Vicki Borges, Harris' executive assistant, was shocked last week to find a human skull wrapped in newspaper inside the package addressed to her boss.

Pilot in lockup for saying `bomb'
(AP) -- An Air France co-pilot was in police custody Saturday after allegedly telling an airport security screener that he had a bomb in his shoe.

Beachgoers puzzled over Atlantic chill
David Quillin, a surfer from Maryland's Eastern Shore, knows what cold seawater feels like. It makes exposed flesh feel like it's burning, sets hands and feet to tingling, numbs the body and, after repeated dunkings, produces a painful ''ice cream'' headache.

Man tries to stiff cabbie of $900
(AP) -- A man who took a cab more than 200 miles from New York City to western New York didn't get very far after he tried to stiff the driver for $916.50 fare.

In ritzy Hamptons, secession fight pits rich vs. very rich
It's a battle between the ''haves'' and ``have-a-lots.'' Some wealthy beachfront homeowners want to secede from their town government and create their own enclave in the glamorous Hamptons on Long Island's eastern end.

Same-sex couples call gay marriage a civil rights issue
On Aug. 20, Peter Freiberg and Joe Tom Easley of Miami Beach will stand in front of a city clerk in Toronto and pledge to love and honor each other for the rest of their lives. Their pledge will be somewhat anticlimactic, since they have been loving and honoring each other for more than 20 years.

Tech marks the spot for satellite-aided outdoor adventure
Walking through soggy grass amid a late afternoon drizzle, Nicole DiFede consulted the readings on her handheld GPS device. She walked north, going up a hill in Vista View Park in Davie, then veered slightly west.

Red Planet will be as near to Earth's orbit as it has been in at least 5,000 years
On Aug. 27, Mars will be 'only' 34,646,418 miles away. Talk about once-in-a-lifetime visits: During the next few weeks, our planetary neighbor -- Mars -- glides ever closer, ultimately making its nearest approach to Earth in all of recorded history.

Pooch survives 25 minutes in gas chamber
ST. LOUIS -- (AP) -- Cast into a city gas chamber to be euthanized with other unwanted or unclaimed dogs, it appeared the roughly year-old Basenji mix had simply run out of luck -- and time. But this canine had other ideas.

Alonzo Pettie, black cowboy, Levi's model
Most people knew him as ''Cowboy'' Pettie, Colorado's oldest living black cowboy and professional bull rider, and a one-time model for a European Levi's ad campaign.

Issue of gay marriage heats up
Same-sex couples say it's a matter of civil rights
On Aug. 20, Peter Freiberg and Joe Tom Easley of Miami Beach will stand in front of a city clerk in Toronto and pledge to love and honor each other for the rest of their lives. Their pledge will be somewhat anticlimactic, since they have been loving and honoring each other for more than 20 years.

Some of the issues gay couples confront because they cannot get married:
Hospital visitation and decision-making. If a hospital restricts visitors to immediate family, a gay partner may not be allowed to visit, especially if he doesn't get along with parents or siblings. Hospitals may also not allow the gay partner to make the decisions a spouse would make for a critically ill person, even if the gay couple has a legal document granting each other the right to make such decisions.


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