What sign of the Black Zodiac are you?
Abandon all ye hope that enter upon here... Right! Anyway, since I am currently being bombarded with e-mails and messages...The Black Zodiac...IS NOT REAL! Does not exist people, it was made up for the B Horror Movie 13 Ghosts, about 98% ofthe information in the quizz is fictional...and made up by wonderful little me...So continue to take the test in fun, or in seriousness, just no one else ask me how to get information on it... -Mindy
Contact the author: StrawberryBunny522@yahoo.com
What motivates you?
People who get away with doing bad unforgiveable things.....they should be stopped.
Justification for the way I have been treated badly becuase of prejiduce...
The ability to have my say.
Redemption for my mistakes.
The need to be comforted.
Your innocence.
Your regret at your actions.
Your boyfriend/girlfriend, entirely.
Your giving nature.
Your pain.
Your losses.
What got you where you are now...?
I don't even know myself.
A horrible drunken mistake....
Loving someone.
Lack of self esteem.
Being nieve...esspecially around men.
I was born this way.
I lost something very very dear to me...
Wrong place at the wrong time.
A slight financial mistake...
My beliefs.
People who hated me for who I am.
My mother.
People who run away.
What do you want?
To have that moment back...to make another choice.
To feel a little warmer...
To be able to pay my debts.
To heal.
My boyfriend/girlfriend....and only them....
To feel...alive again.
To get certain...people.
To hurt.
To get sweet vengence...
To feel accepted.
To stop people from doing wrong dirty bad things.
To find where I...belong.
Well...what are you waiting for...?
For you to turn around.
For someone to give me a bat.
A friend.
A chance to be justified...
Unsuspecting people.
Someone to un-do my locks...and bonds...
Another choice...so I can do it right this time...
A good time to leave...
My true love to return.
To feel better...
Someone dirty...
For this dark period to end.
For the clear.
Why...why do what you do?
Becuase...it's fun...you wanna make somethin of it?! HUH!?
Because it's what I was made for.
Becuase I need comfort...
I must...
I am compelled to seek justice for what has been done to me...
Becuase I must hurt those...that hurt me...
Becuase I am un-worthy of anything else.
This is the only thing I KNOW HOW to do...
Becuase others should know what they were put me through...
I have to wait...
I am bound to this.
Becuase I must stop those who will hurt others...in a bad...bad way...
I am the ultimate unforgiven.
Check all that apply, or appeal.
Good Looks.
What people think of me.
Happiness for your one and only.
Other peopls pain
Being forgiven.
Being saved.
Saving others

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