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Florida Center for Allergy & Asthma Care

Zurik Waxenghiser M.D.<BR> 1-877-4-ALLERGY
Zurik Waxenghiser M.D.

Florida Center For Allergy & Asthma Care specializes in the testing and treatment of adults and children who suffer from allergies, asthma, and other disorders of the immune system. In addition we treat for allergic skin diseases, food allergies, drug allergies, and pet allergies. Florida Center For Allergy & Asthma Care has been in business for over twenty-five years. We have board certified physicians with extensive experience treating both adults and children. Florida Center For Allergy & Asthma Care also conducts clinical trials on new medications to treat allergies & asthma. The goal of our team is to provide professional, quality care, resulting in total patient satisfaction.

Dr. Zurik Waxenghiser joined Florida Center for Allergy & Asthma Care in 1998. He is Board Eligible in Allergy and Clinical Immunology and Board Certified in Pediatrics. Dr. Waxenghiser completed his residency at Women and Children Hospital and received his M.D. from the University of Peru. His fellowship in Allergy and Immunology was completed at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA. Dr. Waxenghiser is a member of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology as well as the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. He treats both children and adults.

For more information please contact 1-877-4-Allergy or visit or web site at

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Questions:   1 - 10  of  99


Hi, I was diagnosed to have allergic rhinitis. Does that really give you the feeling of a full throat or something that is stuck in there? Also they found a cyst, does having a cyst almost always mean it is cancer? Hope to hear from you. Thanks
con 9/17/03


Sometimes allergic rhinitis presents itself like a scratchy/itchy throat and mucous may accumulate in the back. A cyst is not equivalent to cancer, but appropriate diagnostic studies should be performed.
Viviana Sirven M.D.


It seems that I have symptoms of chronic hives. They are all over my body; including my head and palms but excluding genitals. I refuse to accept the excuse that these hives are a "mystery". After going through many options, here is my list of possible causes: Allergy shots (got a hive on my shoulder after the first shot), dust mites, a new couch, a new rug with a rubber bottom, or black fly bites ( I got these about a month and a half before the hives). Please let me know if any of these reasons seem more rational than others. I want to add that I'm nervous that the injections added to my allergic reaction to ragweed (since I have the hives around the season) but I stopped my allergy shots for 2 weeks now and continue to have hives. Any advice would be appreciated.
Jessica, Chesterfield, MI 9/16/03


You have mentioned a new couch, a new rug wit a rubber bottom and black fly bites as possible causes of hives and indeed they could have aggravated your symptoms. Was the first hive after the first allergy shot? I'm not clear about the sequence of events when the hives first started. In 80% of cases there is not a cause for hives, but other things should be excluded as well.
Viviana Sirven M.D.


I have chronic Urticaria - I have had it for eight years. Nothing works as far as I know, most anti histamines will not work. I have been put back on steroids because of the severity. It is terribly painful and itchy as I am sure you can appreciate. I am looking for an expert in the field of chronic urticaria is the NY area or a few ideas in terms of treament
Leslie , Ny, NY  9/10/03


Chronic urticaria is a disease that is its cause is not found could be very frustrating for the patient. It is hard to know what you have tried and not tried already. Try a university program because they usually run trials of new treatments and it may be a good idea.
Viviana Sirven M.D.


I have HPV. COuld the disease or possibly vaginal medications cause hives that last for months.
Anonymous, Dearborn, MI 9/16/03


Medications can cause hives, but also infections can also cause them. If the infection is cured, the hives should disappear. I do not know how long your hives persisted for, but other causes should be ruled out after six weeks of hives.
Viviana Sirven M.D.


2 Days ago, I went for allergy testing because I've been having a strong allergy to my work environment (headache, fatigue, watery eyes, severe congestion and sore throat). I was tested a 3 for mold and 2 for cat. After the testing (I was home all day), all of the skin tests were completely subsided. The next morning when I went to work, my arm began to itch very strongly, and I noticed that the ones on my arm that were the mold skin tests (even the types that were negative at first) swelled up to a relatively large size and were extremely itchy. They did subside over the evening, but when I went back to work again, they increased to an even larger size, and became even more itchy. My allergist said that he had never seen anything like that, and he did not know what to tell me, other than I had a very interesting case. I'm concerned over what this means. Can you help?
Dawn 9/20/03


In the majority of people, this is a delayed reaction to molds. You may have mold exposure at your work. Good luck.
Viviana Sirven M.D.


my daughter is 4yrs old and everytime she gets a cold she also get quite bad asthma the doctor has perscribe her with inhalers and steroid tablets.but what can i do to try and prevent her suffering like this as she only started school full time and has had to have a day off already.Can you give me any advice. thanks for taking time out to read this.
tina, derbyshire great britain 9/05/03


In asthmatics, the number one trigger for exacerbations is infections, but other things like allergies, sinusitis and gastric reflux can make symptoms worse. Her pediatrician may refer her to an allergist in order to rule out allergies, which could be prevented.
Viviana Sirven M.D.


I have a 10 yr old daughter that has these tiny pimple like bumps on her arms. She's getting VERY consciences over it. We have tried and acne wash, but it seems not to be working for her. She also has them(just a few) on her face and upper thigh area. I haven't changed laundry soap or bath soap, and do not believe she is allergic to either, but is taking clarinex for allergies. Is this something I should be worried about,and go see a dermatologist?
CW, Col,In 9/04/03


This is probably Keratosis Pilaris and acne medications would not help. I suggest you see a dermatologist.
Viviana Sirven M.D.


I believe I have some kind of food allergy. For a month now,my mouth swells on the inside of my cheeks and along the edge of my tongue. My tongue looks cracked and has red bumps. It comes and goes. I can't figure out what triggers it. Is this a food allergy? and what should I do?
Cindy, Roswell,GA 9/04/03


You can make a diary of foods that you eat and correlate with your symptoms if they appear or get worse after a specific food. You should also consult with your doctor, he/she may want to refer you to an allergist.
Viviana Sirven M.D.


What are the major symptoms of asthma? can any body sufer from it even a baby?
Anonymous 9/02/03


Symptoms of asthma can be cough, shortness of breath, "whistling" sound in the chest, inability to take a deep breath and tightness in chest. In babies it is difficult to assess and sometimes the diagnosis of hyperactive airway disease is given instead of asthma, though the symptoms are the same. Asthma is a chronic disease, anybody can have it. It is not contagious, but it is inherited.
Viviana Sirven M.D.


Three wks ago I fell and sprained my ankle. Two wks now I have been having some upper right chest pain that go's to the center of my chest to just under my armpit. I have taken and inflamatory that the dr. gave me for my ankle, but don't feel that the pain is from the fall. This pain starts to go away but then gets worse. Does this sound like pleuresy?
Wendee Gammino, Columbus, Indiana 8/24/03


It may be pleurisy, but if it is not improving you probably need a physical exam from your doctor. The pain could be from structures like the ribs, or even from upper gastrointestinal track. Good luck!
Viviana Sirven M.D.

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