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Weight Loss

Bernd Wollschlaeger, M.D.<BR>305-940-8717
Bernd Wollschlaeger, M.D.
Bernd Wollschlaeger, MD, FAAFP is a board- certified family physician in private practice (North Miami, FL). He received his medical training in Germany and Israel including special education in botanical medicine and homeopathy, completed his residency training at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami and served as a chief resident.

Since 1997 he is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine and Family Medicine at the University of Miami, School of Medicine (Voluntary Faculty) Dr. Wollschlaeger is the Associate Editor of the Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association (JANA) and a member of the Advisory Board of the American Botanical Council.

In his clinical practice Dr. Wollschlaeger applies nutritional medicine to manage weight loss problems utilizing advanced laboratory techniques, vitamin supplementation and herbal remedies.

Most Recent Questions & Answers

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Questions:   1 - 10  of  111


Hey I'm 21 years old and I'm 5'7 and weigh about 185 lbs....I know this is too much to weigh. Do you have any suggestions...without my having to see a doctor.
Christine, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 7/15/03


Dera Christine: Thanks for the e-mail. I suggest to schedule an appointment with me to develop an individualized weight loss program for you.You can reach me at 305-940-8717 Your Bernd Wollschlaeger, M.D.
Bernd Wollschlaeger, M.D.


I am 31 years old, 4-11 in height, 120lbs. I am attempting to lose 20lbs permanently. I've been yo-yo dieting between 105-120 for many years. In the past, I've used prescription diet pills, but it isn't a long term solution. The weight just came back on as soon as I went off the diet pills. It seems like a constant battle and I am always hungry. I have had the best luck losing weight on a diet of lo fat protein, vegetables and limited carbohydrates, and I exercise moderately. I am preoccupied with hunger feelings that cause me to overeat, could there be something wrong with me medically? Do you take new patients-or is there someone in the west palm beach area that you could recommend?
Anonymous, west palm beach, fl 7/14/03


Dear Anonymous: Thanks for the question. Please contact my office at 305-940-8717 and we would be glad to schedule an appointment for you. Yours Bernd Wollschlaeger, M.D.
Bernd Wollschlaeger, M.D.


My daughter is 100 pounds overweight and I'm looking for a Doctor in the Miami,Aventura area that may assist her in losing weight.I've heard of diets that use fat blockers water pills and Adipex for weight loss. Also I've heard of Merida and would like to know if you can steer me in the right direction. Thanks, B.Browm
tabbie, aventura,fl 6/05/03


Dear Tabbie: Thanks for the message. My practice is located in North Miami Beach. Please contact me a t my office 305-940-8717 to discuss this further. Yours truly, Bernd Wollschlaeger, M.D.,F.A.A.F.P.
Bernd Wollschlaeger, M.D.


Was Wondering why I might be losing weight suddenly & feeling tired? My habits havent changed. My wewight has been 237 Im a 41 Yr old Male . And have been checked for diabetes .
Bob, Oregon 6/05/03


Dear Bob: Thanks for the message. Please consult with a doctor and I suggest to undergo a thorough physical and laboratory exam. Yours truly, Bernd Wollschlaeger, M.D.,F.A.A.F.P.
Bernd Wollschlaeger, M.D.


i am 13 years old and weigh about 140lbs. i am about 5'4 and have naturally broad shoulders. How much should i weigh? how can i lose this excess fat? i am currently on the atkin's diet. would you recommend this?
Vicki, Hemphill,Texas 6/03/03


Dear Vicki: Thanks for the message. I do not recommend the Atkins diet at your age. . Please discuss your nutritional needs and diet planning with your pediatrician. Yours truly, Dr.Bernd Wollschlaeger, M.D.,F.A.A.F.P.
Bernd Wollschlaeger, M.D.


how can i lose 16 pounds in a week because i can't take it any more
samon, Nova Scotia 6/03/03


Dear Samon: Thanks for the message. There is no diet that can achieve a weight loss of 16 pounds in one week. Please discuss your nutritional needs and diet planning with a nutritionist. Yours Dr.Bernd Wollschlaeger, M.D.,F.A.A.F.P.
Bernd Wollschlaeger, M.D.


Hi, Millicent and Tiffany,we would like to know if we drink just water and do some exercises in 3 days how much weight are we capable of losing? Thank you !!!
Millicent / Tiffany /Katlyn/ Terri, Hampton,GA 6/03/03


Thanks for the message. I do not recommend to follow such a "diet" Yours Dr.Bernd Wollschlaeger, M.D.,F.A.A.F.P.
Bernd Wollschlaeger, M.D.


Hi, Iam a 22yr old female and I weigh 140 and I will like to know how can I loose the pounds around my sides, stomach,lower waist and inner thighs. What type of excecise/foods should I take in to loose or even just tighten up.
Mary Jayne , N.N., Va 5/29/03


Dear Mary Jane: Thanks for the message. How tall are you? Yours Bernd Wollschlaeger, M.D.
Bernd Wollschlaeger, M.D.


hi i m 17 & i am 5'2. i weigh abt 60kilograms.ii had suddenly gained around 12kg in 4 -5 months time.How can i lose these extra kilos.please help.
Ahana, India 5/29/03


Dear Ahana: Thanks for the message. Sudden weight gain is probably due to a change in your diet (increase calories), lack of exercise, or a medical condition requiring medical treatment (steroids) I suggest to review your diet and to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates (rice) and to integrate a daily exercise program in your life. Please discuss any medical problems with your doctor. Yours Bernd Wollschlaeger, M.D.
Bernd Wollschlaeger, M.D.


iam 1.54 my weight is 55 i want to know what is the ideal weight,also i want to know how to lose weight,but my sister is 1.64 her weight is 47 ,so she wonder about how to gain weght .
chio, lima peru 5/27/03


Dear Chio: Thanks for the message. Your weight is well within the normal range (Body mass index 23) and I recommend daily exercise to tone your muscles thereby reshaping your body. Yours Bernd Wollschlaeger, M.D.
Bernd Wollschlaeger, M.D.

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Questions:   1 - 10  of  111

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