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News releases for May 2001

May 31, 2001
President Bush Welcomes University of Nebraska Volleyball Champions to the White House
Listen to the President's Remarks
Remarks by the President to the Los Angeles World Affairs Council - Los Angeles, CA
President Bush Signs Medal of Valor Bill into Law
Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
President Bush to Nominate Ten Individuals to Serve in His Administration
A Proclamation by the President: To Provide for the Efficient and Fair Administration of Action Taken With Regard to Imports of Lamb Meat and for Other Purposes
May 30, 2001
President Bush Announces National Parks Legacy Project
Listen to the President's Remarks
Fact Sheet on the National Parks Legacy Project
Statement by the Press Secretary
President Bush to Attend Funeral Services for Congressman Joe Moakley
President Bush to Announce Eight Individuals to Serve in His Administration
May 29, 2001
President Bush Speaks at Camp Pendleton, California
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Bush to Welcome Japanese Prime Minister to Washington
May 28, 2001
President Bush Delivers Memorial Day Address at Arlington National Cemetery
President Speaks at Memorial Day Commemoration in Mesa, Arizona
President Bush Speaks at White House Memorial Day Breakfast
President Bush Signs World War II Memorial Bill
Statement by the President
President's Task Force to Improve Health Care Delivery for Our Nation's Veterans
May 26, 2001
President Bush Speaks after Passage of Tax Plan  
Radio Address by the President to the Nation
Listen to the President's Remarks
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Nacion
Escucha el Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Nacion  
May 25, 2001
President Bush Speaks at U.S. Naval Academy Commencement
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Bush Expresses Sadness over Mexican Deaths
President Bush to Nominate Brown to be Ambassador of the United States to the Republic of Austria
President Bush to Nominate Coleman to be Ambassador of the United States to Luxembourg
President Bush to Nominate Individuals to Serve in His Administration
Nominations Sent to the Senate
A Proclamation by the President: Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day, 2001
President Bush Recognizes National Missing Children's Day
May 24, 2001
President Bush Speaks to St. Augustine Parish in Cleveland, Ohio
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Bush to Nominate Five Individuals to Serve in His Administration
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Presidental Appointments: Nominations Submitted and Confirmed
May 23, 2001
President Bush Speaks at Military Reenlistment Ceremony
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Bush Meets with the Dalai Lama
Executive Order: Additional Measures with Respect to Prohibiting the Importation of Rough Diamonds from Sierra Leone
President Bans Some West Africa Diamond Imports
Dr. Rice Appoints Zalmay Khalilzad as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director of Gulf, Southwest Asia and Other Regional Issues
President Bush to Nominate Five Individuals to Serve in His Administration
President Bush to Nominate Brinker to be Ambassador of the United States to Hungary
May 22, 2001
President Bush Speaks to National Leadership of the Hispanic Faith-Based Organizations
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Bush Speaks at Hispanic Scholarship Fund Briefing
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Bush Speaks at RNC Gala
Nominations Sent to the Senate
President Bush Announces Individuals to Serve in His Administration
A Proclamation by the President: National Hurricane Awareness
Biographical Information on Judicial Appointments
May 21, 2001
Remarks by the President in Commencement Address - New Haven, Connecticut  
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Bush Honors Memory of Andrei Sakharov
Letter to the Congress of the United States
President Bush to Nominate Price to be the Ambassador of the United States to the Republic of Mauritius
Nomination Sent to the Senate
A Proclamation by the President on National Maritime Day, 2001
May 20, 2001
Remarks by the President in Commencement Address - Notre Dame, Indiana  
May 19, 2001
Radio Address by the President to the Nation  
Listen to the President's Remarks
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Nacion
Escucha el Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Nacion
May 18, 2001
President Bush Discusses Energy Plan at Safe Harbor Water Power Corporation
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Bush Speaks With EP-3 Crew
President Bush Recognizes Cuba Independence Day
Listen to the President's Remarks
Executive Order: Actions Concerning Regulations that Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use
Executive Order: Actions to Expedite Energy-Related Projects
Personnel Announcements
A Proclamation by the President on World Trade Week, 2001
A Proclamation by the President: National Safe Boating Week, 2001
May 17, 2001
President Bush Discusses National Energy Policy in St. Paul, Minnesota
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Discusses Energy Plan at Iowa Energy Center
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Bush Declares Disaster Exists in South Dakota
A Proclamation by the President: National Defense Transportation Day and National Transportation Week, 2001
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Corrections to the Energy Report (55KB)
A Proclamation by the President: National Biotechnology Week
May 16, 2001
President Bush Discusses National Energy Policy at Cabinet Meeting
President Bush Speaks at African Growth and Opportunity Act Trade and Economic Cooperation Forum
Listen to the President's Remarks
To the Congress of the United States
Notice: Continuation of Emergency With Respect to Burma
President Bush Declares Disaster Exists in Minnesota
President Bush Declares Disaster Exists in Puerto Rico
President Bush Declares Disaster Exists in Maine
President Bush Declares Disaster Exists in Nebraska
President Bush to Nominate Six Individuals to Serve in His Administration and Designate Two Individuals to Hold Positions Within His Administration.
May 15, 2001
President Bush Speaks at 20th Annual Peace Officers Memorial Service
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Bush Applauds Bipartisan Patients' Bill of Rights Proposal
Letter to the Congress of the United States
President Bush to Nominate Sambur to be Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition, Research and Development
May 14, 2001
President Bush Announces Project Safe Neighborhoods Initiative
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Bush Meets With 2000 WNBA Champion Houston Comets
Listen to the President's Remarks
Nominations Sent to the Senate
President Bush to Nominate Three Individuals to Serve in His Administration
May 13, 2001
Watch the President's Mother's Day Message  
     View the President's Remarks
May 12, 2001
Radio Address by the President to the Nation  
Listen to the President's Remarks
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Nacion
Escucha el Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Nacion
May 11, 2001
Remarks by the President During Announcement of Proposal for Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Bush Holds Press Conference
Listen to the President's Remarks
Students from Potomac School React as Marine One Departs
President Bush Speaks with Math Champs
President Bush Welcomes President Obasanjo of Nigeria to the White House
President Bush Signs Family Farmer Bankruptcy Act Retroactive Extension Into Law
Memorandum to the Secretary of State
A Proclamation by the President: Mother's Day, 2001
May 10, 2001
President Bush Names Director of the Office of Drug Control Policy
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Bush Speaks at Anti-Drug Center
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Bush Outlines Legislative Agenda for International Trade
The President's 2001 International Trade Agenda
President Bush Declares Disaster Exists in Illinois
May 9, 2001
President Bush Announces Federal Judicial Appointees
Listen to the President's Remarks
Letter to the Congress of the United States
President Commends House Education and Workforce Committee
President Bush to Nominate Three Individuals to Serve in His Administration
A Proclamation by the President: Peace Officers Memorial Day and Police Week, 2001
A Proclamation by the President on National Salvation Army Week, 2001
May 8, 2001
President Bush Speaks at Small Business Person Award Ceremony
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Bush Speaks at Electronic Industries Alliance Event
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Announces Plan to Protect U.S. from Weapons of Mass Destruction
Nominations Sent to the Senate
President Bush to Announce Two Individuals to Serve in His Administration
Text of a Letter from the President to the Chairmen of the House Committees on Appropriations, International Relations, and Armed Services, and the Senate Committees on Foreign Relations, Appropriations, and Armed Services
Text of a Letter from the President to the Chairmen of the House Committees on Appropriations, International Relations, and Armed Services, and the Senate Committees on Foreign Relations, Appropriations, and Armed Services
May 7, 2001
President Bush Speaks at Council of Americas Conference
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Bush Welcomes Amir of Bahrain to the White House
Nominations Sent to the Senate
A Proclamation by the President: Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month, 2001
May 6, 2001
Watch the Opening Day White House Tee-Ball Game
     Watch the Opening Day White House Tee-Ball Game
Photos of the White House Tee-Ball Game
May 5, 2001
Radio Address by the President to the Nation  
Listen to the President's Remarks
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Nacion
Escucha el Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Nacion
May 4, 2001
President Bush Delivers Message on Cinco de Mayo
President Speaks at Cinco de Mayo Celebration
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Bush Speaks to New York Yankees
President Bush Presents the Commander-In-Chief's Trophy to Air Force Academy Falcons
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Bush to Nominate Fong to Serve as Under Secretary of the Army
A Proclamation by the President: Small Business Week, 2001
A Proclamation by the President: Older Americans Month, 2001
President Bush to Nominate Weiser to be Ambassador of the United States to the Slovak Republic
May 3, 2001
President Bush Speaks at National Day of Prayer Reception
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Bush Speaks to the American Jewish Committee
President Bush, Secretary of Energy Abraham and Deputy Secretary of Defense Wolfowitz Speak After Energy Advisors Meeting
President and Mrs. Bush to Host Cinco de Mayo Fiesta
President Bush Issues Memorandum Regarding Energy Conservation at Federal Facilities
Statement by the Press Secretary
Text of a Letter From the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Letter to the Congress of the United States
Nomination Sent to the Senate
President Bush to Nominate Hull to be Ambassador of the United States to the Republic of Yemen
May 2, 2001
President Bush Announces Formation of Social Security Commission
Listen to the President's Remarks
To the Congress of the United States
Executive Order: President''s Commission to Strengthen Social Security
Dr. Rice Appoints John A. Cloud as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for International Economic Affairs
President Bush Speaks During Budget Meeting with Bipartisan Members of Congress
Letter from Judge Gonzales to Senators Regarding Judicial Nomination Process
May 1, 2001
President Bush Speaks at National Defense University
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Discusses Tax Agreement
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Bush to Meet with Mexican President Vicente Fox
Statement by the President
President Bush to Nominate One Individual to Serve in His Administration And Officially Nominate Two Individuals to Serve in His Administration
A Proclamation by the President: Law Day, U.S.A., 2001

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