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I was wondering what is a good excerise to loose belly fat. Thanks
tash 8/03/03


Abdominal exercises will not eliminate belly fat, but better eating habits will help.
Gym Source


hi this i have a big problem in accomplishing my goals but when i say im going to do something i end up not doing it and saying ill do it the next day but end up doing the same thing. lately ive been through deppresion because of my weight. and its been solved for a while but always comes back because of low selfestem. i try my best but i never can be strong enough. i want to learn how myslef can do something at home to lead to a better thinking and accomplish my weight goals. its very hard and nothing seems to help. please help me.
sandy, nanakuli,hawaii 8/01/03


this is out of my area. you need a therapist and someone to talk to. the problem you think is below your neck is probably above it.
Gym Source


is there any very low carb or even no carb fat free snack bar recipe that you can give me to replace meals or when really hungry. please help thanks alot
sandy, nanakuli,hawaii 8/01/03


there is nothing that can ever replace natural foods.learn to eat properly.most packaged foods and supplements are garbage. read the labels.
Gym Source


Hi, I'd been happily married about a year. I used to be very active before, going to the gym 4 x a week, and looked and felt good weighting only 108 lbs; I'm 5'2 and now weight 130 lbs. :( How can I get back my energy and my active life again??? What should I take or do?? Thanks
Anonymous, Miami, FL 7/31/03


go back to the gym and undertake an active program. it will get your energy back. if it doesnt, see a doctor .
Gym Source


hi i read a lot of stuff saying that the shape of your body depends on genetics so if your genetics is supose to be fat then you cannot be that true. now i dont think i have family genetics as obese because i do have a lot of family members that are skinny or wer skinny untill pregnacy. my question is i have always dreamed to get a nice beach body but i know i am kind over weight. i am 5'4, 175lbs,but am mostly firm i just need to get rid of alot of fat. how can i over come my dream in five months. i would do anything
Anonymous, hawaii 7/25/03


a lot of cardio work, intensive weight training using high repetitions with light weights, change your diet and get a good trainer.
Gym Source


I am 6ft and 230 lbs, I want to maintain the weight but lose the fat is that possible? Are protein shakes good for me and what is the better brand of protein
Khallid, Miami, Fl. 7/11/03


Better 'BRAND' of prOtein???? Protein is natural, forget the shake. Eat lean meat, fish, tofu, etc. Get your diet to a high - natural - protein percentage coupled with the appropriate aeroboc and anaerobic exercsie program and you'll get to exactly where you want your body to be.
Gym Source


I'm 22 years old, 5'4" and I always have problem finding a pair of pants that fit me when I go shopping. I have small hips and so finding the right pair of pants had gotten really difficult. So I was wondering if you know any form of exercise that would help put a couple of extra inches in my hips. thanks.
Anonymous 7/08/03


do squats with a barbell and weights - under supervision.
Gym Source


hi,i was wanting to know if walking is good for the inner part of your legs and is walking good for just your leg or is it good for othre parts,i walk too miles a day and i have notice it in my hipes thanks.
brenda, des moines iowa 6/13/03


walking will work every muscle from your waist down. it's not bad for the head either.
Gym Source


I will be visiting Coral Gables and I wan't to get in shape for my golf game where can I find a Certified Golf Fitness Instructor?
Gary E. Brown, Lancaster, PA 6/10/03


call ACE (American Council on Exercise)800-825-3636
Gym Source


Hi, my name is Gaby and I want to know where can I find aquaerobics in south beach, I've been looking for one but I haven't succeed can you help me?
Gaby, Miami Beach, Fl 5/05/03


Here is the number of a company that manufactures the Winged Water Walker, a lightweight device that attaches to the user's foot by means of flexible straps. The WWW is intended for variable, low-impact resistance of lower and upper body muscle groups and provides effective resistance in all deep-water exercise programs. 866-999-9255 or
Gym Source

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