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06:39 PM EDT (2339 GMT) 05 October 2003 
 Israel attacks target in Syria (2:24)
CNN's Chris Burns says Israeli forces attacked a reported terrorist training camp near Damascus, Syria, after a suicide bombing in Haifa. (October 5)
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 Decoding Mideast Islamist groups (2:31)
CNN's Kelly Wallace deciphers the color code used by the various Islamic groups fighting the Israelis (October 5)
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 'Siegfried & Roy' closed indefinitely (1:46)
Cast jobs in the balance after Roy of 'Siegfried & Roy' was mauled by a tiger. CNN's Katherine Dorsett (October 5)
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Book festival draws authors, stars (2:03)
CNN's Kathleen Koch reports on the National Book Festival, sponsored by first lady Laura Bush and the Library of Congress. (October 5)
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Looking for a few good spies (1:16)
Jessica Lynch video released (1:00)
Team building with a beat (1:56)
Lou Dobbs' market update (:20)
Chechnya goes to polls (1:49)
CNN's Jill Dougherty says Chechnya's presidential election went on under heavy guard (October 5)
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The new Iraqi army (2:10)
New Iraqi currency to debut (1:21)
EU trying to draft new constitution (1:54)
The changing face of South Africa (2:48)
Leak investigation will proceed quickly (2:40)
The probe into who leaked the identity of an ex-ambassador's wife as a CIA operative will move quickly, law enforcement sources say. CNN's Kelli Arena explains. (October 4)
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Difficult day for Schwarzenegger (2:03)
White House staff put on notice (1:31)
Lawsuit over playground brick (1:42)
A couple has sued the state of Washington, saying their free speech rights were denied when 'Jesus' was eliminated from a brick inscription for a playground fund-raiser. CNN's Kimberly Osias reports. (October 2)
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Sniper suspects face off in court (1:24)
Court sentencing turns ugly (1:14)
The pet doorbell (1:15)
For animals that don't like to scratch or meow to be let into the house comes the pet doorbell. Tech TV's Michaela Preira explains. (October 4)
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Camera phones take over Japan (2:35)
Roman theatre discovered in Spain (1:25)
Tiger mauls Las Vegas illusionist (1:25)
A nine-year-old white tiger attacked Roy Horn of 'Siegfried & Roy' during a Friday night performance on the Las Vegas strip. CNN's Katherine Dorsett reports (October 4)
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'Larry King Live': Stedman Graham (2:02)
Hollywood Minute: Latest 'Matrix' movie (1:00)
Couple charged in front yard sex (1:26)
A Tennessee man and woman were arrested after a neighbor complained about them having sex in the front yard. WKRN's Andy Cordan reports. (October 5)
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Soldier wins $150 million lottery (1:57)
Gypsy wedding stalled when bride bolts (1:41)
Planetarium sight and sound mix (1:42)
CNN's Jeanne Moos makes the most of a new planetarium experience in New York. (October 3)
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New baby for Ivory Soap (1:39)
TVs bring movies to life (2:15)
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