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Registration Help

Q: I'm a long-time Africana member. I've come back to the site after a long absence and now everything looks different. What happened?
A: On February 5, 2003, Africana launched Africana 3.0, a brand new, more interactive and easier to use version of the site. All of the content and editorial features you love are still here, we've just improved the site's look and feel, added new interactive tools and added new areas.

Q: I don't want to register for Africana, but I'd like to use your tools and services. Can I?
A: Unfortunately, in order to use Africana's interactive tools and services, you must be a registered member. In order to register you will need to provide us with a valid email address and fill out a short survey.

Q: Can I use my AOL, AIM, Netscape or CompuServe account to log into Africana?
A: Yes you can! However, depending on where you obtained your screen name, Africana may require additional information from you before allowing you to enter.

Q: What do you do with my Profile information?
A: Africana gathers information from people surfing our pages in order to help us understand our audience. We also collect registration and profile data on all Africana members for the same reasons. We do not offer this information for sale or for trade, and all of our external email vehicles (such as the Africana Highlights Newsletter) are opt-in, meaning you will only receive them if you ask to be included on the mailing list. Please keep in mind, though, that whenever you voluntarily disclose personal information in Africana.com's public areas, like message boards, your information can be collected and used by others.

Q: I'd like to change my Profile information.
A: That's easy! First go to your Profile and select EDIT. This will take you to a new screen, where you will be able to update your Profile information.

Q: Can I change my password?
A: At the current time, you cannot change your password. However, if you report your password lost or stolen, you can have a new password issued to you at the email address you provided during sign up.

Q: I'm having trouble uploading a photo.
A: Images should be in .jpeg format. They can be any size or shape, but keep in mind that they will appear in a space that is 150 x 200 pixels. Also, the image should be no larger than 12K. The image must be stored on your own computer in order for it to be uploaded. In order to upload it off your computer, please follow these steps:

  • Hit BROWSE, which will open a file upload window
  • Navigate through your directories and folders until you find the right image
  • Hit OPEN
  • After the window closes, the appropriate directory path to the image will have been pre-populated into the "upload a file" field.
  • Hit APPLY

Q: I'd like to keep my personal information private.
A: You can share as little (or as much) about yourself as you like. In order to hide information, go to your Profile and select EDIT. This will take you to a new screen, where you will be able to select which parts of your Profile to hide.

Q: I have a pre-February 5, 2003 account, but the system won't let me log in.
A: In order make sure your unique pre-February 5, 2003 username stays yours, we are asking pre-February 5 members of Africana to append the letters "OG" to the end of their username. This means that if your username before February 5, 2003 was


when logging in, you must now log in as


As part of our redesign we have created a new user database and the "OG" suffix is how our database differentiates between old and new users. By using "OG", the uniqueness of your February 5, 2003 and other members will know that you are an Africana original!

Q: I have an AOL, AIM, CompuServe or Netscape account, but Africana won't let me log in. What gives?
A: Are you sure you're using the right screen name and password? Double check and then try to use that password and screen name for the issuing site. If it works on AOL, AIM, CompuServe or Netscape, than it should work on Africana.

Site Tools Help

Q: How do I send an article to a friend?
A: Every article has a button that reads "Email." Just hit that button and type the names and email addresses of anyone you'd like to send the article to in the fields provided.

Q: I'd like to write a letter to the editor.
A: Every article has a button that reads "Letter to the Editor." Just hit that button and an email window will open with our email address pre-inserted in the "To:" field. Keep in mind that due to the volume of submissions, we cannot publish or respond to every letter we receive. We also may edit your letter for length or clarity. And we will not publish unsigned letters!

Q: I can't see or hear the multimedia file associated with an article. Help?
A: Visit the Multimedia Help Area in order to use Africana multimedia.

Q: I'm having trouble voting in a poll.
A: You must be a registered member and must also be logged in to Africana in order to use the polling functionality.

Search Help

Q: I'd like to find an old article on Africana. What do I do?
A: Simply input the name of the article you'd like to find, or keywords associated with the article, in the SEARCH field in the Africana header and press go.

Q: I can't find the information I'm looking for! Can I write you?
A: Unfortunately, Africana staff are not equipped to fulfill research requests. However, given the close to 10,000 articles on the site, chances are the information you're looking for can be found here. Try refining your search parameters and seeing what results you get.

Q: I'm interested in re-printing an Africana article. Who do I talk to?
A: Please send an email identifying yourself, your affiliation, the article you'd like to reprint and a brief description of how the article will appear to editors@africana.com. An editor will respond to your request as soon as possible.

Talkback Help

Q: What is TalkBack?
A: TalkBack is Africana's message board area.

Q: How do I start a TalkBack discussion?
A: In order to start a discussion, you must be in a TalkBack category area, such a Blackworld or Music and TV. At the bottom of the page, below all the discussions contained in that category, is a button that reads "START A DISCUSSION!" Please make sure that you're actually starting a discussion before hitting the button. If there is already a discussion relevant to your topic, please make use of it to post your comments and ideas! This will ensure that everyone can find the discussions they want, and it will also help you connect with members who share your interests. Also, please take care that you are starting your discussion in the appropriate folder. Nobody wants to talke about Robert Mugabe's political future in an area devoted to music or movies!

Q: How do I reply to a TalkBack post?
A: At the bottom of every TalkBack thread is an input boxes allowing you to post a reply. If you can't see the input box, your are more than likely not logged in. Log-in and try again!

Q: I can't find a thread from the old TalkBack system. Where is it?
A: In order to provide you with the best possible user experience, we have started deleting discussions that have been dormant for more than 60 days, along with those that were begun in error (either in the wrong channel as duplicate threads) and those that violate our community standards (threads that advertise goods or services, for instance). Cleaning out old, under-used forums keeps Africana's TalkBack area vibrant and alive, and allows you to find the threads you want with greater ease.

Q: I found an offensive posting? What do I do?
A: In the left-hand column of every TalkBack page is button that reads "Report TOS Violation." Clicking this button will allow you to report any activity you find on the site which violates Africana's Terms of Service. Please make sure to describe the type of violation and to include a link to the offending page in your report. Thanks for helping keep Africana a safe and open environment where everyone feels welcome!

Open Source Help

Q: What is Open Source?
A: Open Source is a community news tool that lets you share links, articles and information with the Africana.com community. By giving YOU the power to publish to the Africana homepage, Open Source uses the eyes and ears of the entire Africana.com community to create a black news network unlike any other on the Internet.

Q: How do I submit an Open Source Item?
A: Every page has a large button that reads "Submit an Item!" You must be registered and logged in to Africana in order to submit and item.

Q: How do I reply to an Open Source Item?
A: You reply to an Open Source item in the exact same way that you respond to a TalkBack posting. At the bottom of every Open Souce item is an input box allowing you to post a reply. If you can't see the input box, your are more than likely not logged in. Log in and try again!

Q: I submitted an item, but it wasn't accepted. What happened?
A: Not every item submitted will be accepted. Please adhere to the following guidelines in order to maximize the chances of your item being accepted:

  • Complete all fields. Items that do not include a headline, a URL, a category and a description will not be accepted.
  • Make sure the story is in the right category. Don't file an article about the Ivory Coast in "Music," put it in "Blackworld." If you are confused, be as obvious as possible. ITEMS THAT ARE SUBMITTED IN THE WRONG CATEGORY WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED! Absolutely, positively no obscenity, profanity or pornography on the other side of the link.
  • Pick a descriptive headline. "A forward" or "An interesting article" isn't good a headline. Describe the item.
  • Use the "Tell Us About It" area to give us your point of view. We don't just want the URL, we also want to know why you find the item interesting.
  • The description that you write will appear on the site, SO TAKE YOUR TIME. We will use the best-written item, not the first.
  • If at first you don't succeed, try, try again! Many stories just won't be right for Open Source, but don't take it personally. Look at the items that make it on and see how you can improve your submission.
  • Lastly, please keep in mind that due to the volume of submissions, not every item that we accept will appear on the homepage.

Q: I was told my item was accepted, but I can't find it on the Home Page.
A: Not every accepted item makes it onto the Home Page. Look for your item on the relevant channel index page, and then look for it in the relevant category within Open Source.

Q: My Open Source item disappeared!
A: Open Source items are news headlines, and so they time-out more quickly than you might be used to. However, just like the news, there is always another story out there waiting to be discovered!

Advertising Help

Q: How do I advertise on Africana?
A: At the bottom of every page is a link that reads ADVERTISE ON AFRICANA. Please follow the instructions provided there.

Editorial Submission Help

Q: I'd like to write an article for Africana. What should I do?
A: Send pitches, with clips if possible, within the body of an email to editors@africana.com. Due to the volume of submissions, we can't respond to every article we receive. Please note: we do not publish fiction or poetry. Fiction and poetry submissions waste our time and yours! But we are always looking for smart, critical, and original nonfiction on this crazy, mixed-up world we live in.

Help Help!

Q: This HELP SECTION wasn't much help. Where do I go from here?
A: Send an email to Webmaster@africana.com. Due to the volume of help requests we receive, we can't respond to every request immediately.

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