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    Cadillac 'renaissance' in high gear
    Having driven the racy new Cadillac XLR roadster, with its nifty retractable hardtop, and the bold new Cadillac SRX, a fun-to-drive luxury utility, I suddenly found myself in a dilemma.

    Toy Run reveals other side of bikers
    The annual Christmas Toys in the Sun Run brings together some 30,000 bikers for a day of music and goodwill that benefits children and charities.
    It's that time of year again -- time to pack a toy, jump on the bike, meet up with 30,000 riding buddies and let the police clear the roads as you head for a day of rock 'n' roll-infused goodwill.

    Check compression, clutch before shooting slow car
    CAR TALK Dear Tom and Ray: My company recently moved, and I now have to drive a hilly highway every day. The drive is pleasant (no traffic), but my 1990 Honda Civic has a very hard time with the hills. I find I have to downshift to get up every hill, and I can't go over 50 mph. Everyone passes me like I'm standing still (except for the big trucks, which share the right lane with me). Surely some of these cars that whiz by are older, like mine. What would cause my car to be so sluggish on hills?

    Classics cruise for local children
    Cops for Kids of South Florida will kick off its annual holiday toy drive Saturday with a car show and cruise featuring custom cars, classics and street rods.

    3rd annual event honors military
    A special tribute to the armed forces, police and fire departments will highlight the 3rd Annual Classic Car Show and Street Fair, scheduled for 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday in Fort Lauderdale.

    Corrosion takes toll on boat's trim motor
    I have 1994 250-horsepower Yamaha. The trim system isn't working so I can't raise or lower my engine. How can I fix it? Nine out of 10 times the trim motor needs to replaced. It could be a broken wire, but usually corrosion eats up the trim motor. The trim motor housing is made of steel and it will rust out over time. This particular trim motor costs about $550.

    South Florida Boat Clubs
    Here is a listing of some of the boat clubs in South Florida. To list a club or update your listing, please send the information to: The Miami Herald, Wheels & Waves, 1 Herald Plaza, Miami, FL 33132, or fax to Barry Spyker at 305-376-5287.

    BARRY SPYKER: Driven
    New look, technology for 5 Series
    Standard in the all-new, redesigned BMW 5 Series: that marvel of technology, the iDrive system. What, no applause? Well, no wonder. The innovative but often irritating system -- controlled by an aluminum knob that functions sort of like a computer mouse -- caused more grumbling than a tax hike when it was introduced last year exclusively on 745 models. Few people managed to easily navigate its menus and submenus and hundreds of functions within.

    Traveling the fast lane: Radbusa exotic, unique
    Sitting in the desert east of Los Angeles, it is just over 200 miles to Las Vegas. The Radbusa could get us there in an hour. But I'm not a gambler.

    Heavy-duty solution not right one for SUV
    Dear Tom and Ray: My son has a '94 Ford Explorer. After we bought it, we found out that rollovers are not uncommon with this vehicle. Since the previous two cars he had during his short driving career were totaled, I would like to protect him the best I can. I've heard from a friend that you can get weights attached to rollover-prone SUVs that adjust the center of gravity and lessen the risk of a rollover. I checked with the Ford dealer, the Ford corporate help line and searched online, but came...



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