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News Archive - November 2001

News releases for November 2001

November 30, 2001
President Pleased with Mexican Trucking Compromise
National Hospice Month Proclamation
National Diabetes Month, 2001
National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month
Nominations Sent to the Senate
President Bush Thanks Governor Gilmore
World AIDS Day
Nominations and Designation
November 29, 2001
President Says U.S. Attorneys on Front Line in War
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President Commends House for Defense Appropriation Passage
President Supports House Action on Insurance
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Mark Twain Symposium
November 28, 2001
President Urges Action on Economic Stimulus Proposal
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President Discusses Humanitarian Aid to Afghanistan with UN Secretary General
President of Spain Pledges Continued Cooperation
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President Signs Agriculture Appropriations Bill
President Signs Commerce Appropriations Bill
President Signs Internet Access Taxation Moratorium
President's Statement on Caspian Pipeline Consortium
Executive Order: Creation of the President's Council on Bioethics
Vice President Names Millerwise as Press Secretary
President Signs Federal Power Marketing Administration Bill
President Orders Federal Aid for Disaster in Puerto Rico
Statement by the Press Secretary
President Signs Statutory Reporting Requirement Bill
November 27, 2001
President Commends U.S. Nobel Laureates
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Nominations Sent to the Senate
Executive Order Waiver of Dual Compensation Provisions of the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement Act of 1964
Nomations and Appointments
November 26, 2001
President Welcomes Aid Workers Rescued from Afghanistan
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President Signs VA/HUD Appropriations Bill
November 24, 2001
Radio Address by the President To the Nation
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President George W. Bush addresses the troops and shares a turkey dinner with them Nov. 21. "More than 3,000 soldiers from this post have been deployed to Kosovo for six-month rotations," said the President. "They kept supplies away from rebels in Macedonia, made the recent election in Kosovo possible. I'm glad to report that all of them from this base will be home by Thanksgiving.". White House photo by Tina Hager."> November 21, 2001
President Shares Thanksgiving Meal with Troops
Israeli Prime Minister Sharon to Visit Washington
National Family Week Proclamation
President Intends to Nominate Toner to FEC
Presidential Determination on Refugee Numbers
Imports of Steel Wire Rod Proclamation
Six Month Periodic Report on Burma National Emergency
November 20, 2001
President Urges Support for America's Charities
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President, Mrs. Bush Encourage Generosity
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Philippine President Reiterates Support
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President Urges Support for America's Charities
President Dedicates Robert F. Kennedy Justice Building
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Presidential Memo on RFK Justice Building
Joint Statement Between the U.S. and the Philippines
U.S.-Philippine Joint Statement on Defense Alliance
November 19, 2001
President Discusses War, Humanitarian Efforts
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President Hosts Iftaar
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President Signs Aviation Security Legislation
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Thanksgiving Turkey Receives Pardon
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Norwegian Prime Minister to Visit White House
Presidential Letter to Congress
November 17, 2001
President Signs Appropriations Measure
November 16, 2001
National Emergency Construction Authority Executive Order
President Proclaims Day of Thanksgiving
November 15, 2001
President's Message for Ramadan
President Bush and President Putin Talk to Crawford Students
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President Commends Lawmakers for Aviation Security Agreement
Homeland Security Briefing with Gov. Ridge and Secretary Abraham
National Security Advisor Briefs Press
White House Unveils Lessons in Liberty for Kids
Economic Stimulus Bill Needed
President's Statement on Aviation Security Agreement
America Recycles Day Proclamation
Seventh Biennial Revision of Arctic Research Plan
Press Briefing by Secretary Abraham and Governor Ridge
President Bush to Nominate Two Individuals to Serve in His Administration
November 14, 2001
President Commends Troops for Humanitarian Rescue
President Supportive of New Round of Global Trade Negotiations
Remarks by President Bush
Vice President Addresses U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Imports of Lamb Meat Proclamation
Nominations and Appointments
November 13, 2001
President Announces Reduction in Nuclear Arsenal
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President Calls for Action on Aviation Security and Economic Stimulus
President Bush to Host Russian President in Crawford
President Orders Strategic Petroleum Reserve Filled
National Farm-City Week Proclamation
President Signs Treasury Appropriations Bill
President Signs Legislative Branch Appropriations Bill
President Issues Military Order
President Signs Energy and Water Appropriations Bill
President Signs Reclamation Amendment
November 12, 2001
President Calls Airline Crash Heartbreaking
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November 11, 2001
President Speaks at Veterans Day Prayer Breakfast
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President Welcomes China, Taiwan into WTO
November 10, 2001
President Bush Speaks to United Nations
Radio Address by the President to the Nation
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President of Pakistan Reaffirms Commitment to Fight Terrorism
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Joint Statement for the Visit of Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf to New York
Exchange of Toasts at U.N. Secretary General's Luncheon
November 9, 2001
President Bush Acts to Make Holiday Travel Safer
President Meets with Prime Minister of India
     Listen to the President's Remarks
Friday's Homeland Security Briefing
     Listen to the Briefing
President Certifies Terms of China's Accession to WTO
Reports on Activities Under the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act
Former President Mandela to Visit White House
Joint Statement Between U.S. and India
Citizen Preparedness in War on Terrorism Executive Order
President Signs Guard and Reserve Proclamation
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Joint Statement Between U.S. and India
Terms for China's Accession to WTO
Press Briefing by Ari Fleischer
     Listen to the Briefing
National Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Week Proclamation
Presidential Memo Regarding Trade and China
Notice that Iran Emergency to Continue Beyond November 14, 2001
Emergency Recovery and Response Funding Transfer
National Family Caregivers Month, 2001
National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month Proclamation
World Freedom Day Proclamation
Notice: Continuation of Iran Emergency
Message to the Congress of the United States
November 8, 2001
President Discusses War on Terrorism
     Listen to the President's Remarks
Homeland Security - Every American Can Help
National Security Advisor Briefs the Press
Mrs. Laura Bush Speaks at the National Press Club
President Visits Centers for Disease Control
President's Letter on "Armies of Compassion" Bill
Nominations Sent to the Senate
President to Address the Nation Tonight at 8pm Eastern
November 7, 2001
President Announces Crackdown on Terrorist Financial Network
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Prime Minister Blair Says Coalition is Stronger
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Prime Minister Blair Says Coalition is Stronger
Wednesday's Homeland Security Briefing
     Listen to the Briefing
Swedish Prime Minister to Visit White House
November 6, 2001
President Bush: "No Nation Can Be Neutral in This Conflict"
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President Welcomes President Chirac to White House
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     Listen to the President's Remarks
November 5, 2001
President Signs Interior Appropriations Bill
President Signs Military Construction Appropriations Bill
President to Meet with Acting Prime Minister of Kuwait
President to Welcome Leader from Yemen
President Authorizes Transfers from Emergency Response Fund
President Signs Bills
National Adoption Month Proclamation
November 3, 2001
Radio Address by the President to the Nation
     Listen to the President's Remarks
November 2, 2001
President Calls for Legislative Action on Economy, Aviation Security
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     Listen to the President's Remarks
Nigerian President Offers Solidarity, Support to U.S.
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Friday's Homeland Security Briefing
President Cardoso of Brazil to Visit Washington
President to Welcome Irish Prime Minister
President to Appoint Espinosa
Nominations Sent to the Senate on November 1
List of Major Illicit Drug-Producing or Major Drug-Transit Countries
President Salutes USO in White House Ceremony
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Peacekeeping Operations in Kosovo Report
November 1, 2001
Presidential Records Act Executive Order
National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month Proclamation
President Commends House for Passing Airline Security Bill
National Security Adviser Briefs Reporters
President Bush to Welcome French President Chirac
President's Statement on Biological Weapons
Administration Supportive of Bipartisan Insurance Bill
Message to the Congress Regarding Sudan Emergency
Notice: Continuation of Sudan Emergency
Six-Month Periodic Report on Sudan
British Prime Minister to Visit White House

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