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Threat Level Raised
(December 21, 2003)
Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge raised the threat level to orange (high) on Sunday

Secretary Ridge Inaugurates New Homeland Security Program at Southwest Border
(December 4, 2003)

Homeland Security Launches Operation Ice Storm
(November 10, 2003)

DHS Announces $2.2 Billion for Our Nation's First Responders
(November 3, 2003)

President Bush Signs Homeland Security Appropriations Bill
(October 1, 2003)

President Bush Discusses Homeland Security at the FBI Academy
(September 10, 2003)

Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge at Dulles International Airport
(September 3, 2003)

Homeland Security Announces New Initiatives
(September 2, 2003)

Remarks of Secretary Tom Ridge to the American Enterprise Institute: "Securing America in a Post 9/11 World"
(September 2, 2003)

Remarks by Secretary Ridge to the National Governors Association Meeting
(August 18, 2003)

Homeland Security Provides Advice on Combating the "Blaster" Internet Worm
(August 14, 2003)

Secretary Ridge Presents Bronze Star to Coast Guardsman
(August 11, 2003)

Secretary Ridge's Statement on Aviation Security
(July 30, 2003)

Counterterrorism Cooperation Fact Sheet
(June 25, 2003)

President Bush Urges Congress to Pass BioShield Legislation
(June 23, 2003)

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Homeland Security Across the Nation
Select your state or territory to see who your Governor has appointed as your state's homeland security contact.
The National Strategy For Homeland Security: Office of Homeland Security .

President George W. Bush signs the Homeland Security Appropriations Act of 2004 at the Department of Homeland Security in Washington, D.C., Wednesday, Oct. 1, 2003. "The Homeland Security bill I will sign today commits $31 billion to securing our nation, over $14 billion more than pre-September 11th levels. The bill increases funding for the key responsibilities at the Department of Homeland Security and supports important new initiatives across the Department," said the President in his remarks.

Last updated: December 26, 2003
The Homeland Security Advisory System is a means to disseminate information regarding the risk of terrorist acts to federal, state, and local authorities and to the American people. More...
•  Low = Green
•  Guarded = Blue
•  Elevated = Yellow
•  High = Orange
•  Severe = Red

For individuals interested in actions they may take in response to the increased level of threat of terrorist attack: See the Citizen Preparedness Guide or visit the American Red Cross.

DHS Under Secretary for Border and Transportation Security Asa Hutchinson took your questions on Ask the White House.Read the transcript.

The President's Budget for 2003 — the Federal government's first post-September 11 budget — reflects his absolute commitment to achieving a more secure homeland.
Summary of Homeland Security Budget Priorities
The President's Homeland Security Policy and Budget Priorities.
Supporting First Responders
Defending Against Bioterrorism

President George W. Bush is working to support community-based efforts through the newly-proposed Citizen Corps.
Learn more about Citizen Corps and how you can help

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