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/ 1943, august, 4

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04 August / 2003

The site was supplemented with the information about people.

29 July / 2003

Models of T-70, T-60, pz-2, pz-3, pz-4 were added.

25 July / 2003

Separate German and Finnish "Commanders" pages added via the main glossary page, and also added to the filtering system, now you filter your serach through the Personality like before it was possible with Weaponary.

18 July / 2003

Adding detailed drawing for the Pz IV D, fixed a few mistakes and measure moment on the frontal projection, and now Front projection available in PDF format for the print or detailed view.

14 July / 2003

Adding detailed drawing for the Pz IV (D), fixed a few mistakes and measure moment on the frontal projection, and now Front projection available in PDF format for the print or detailed view.

Prokhorovka battle
1,200 tanks and self-propelled guns have been used at Prokhorovka.
60% of destroyed German tanks fell to the share of soviet artillerymen

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 Timeline  Details
Soldiers of 5th rifle division under the command of Colonel Mikhalitsin, 129th rifle division of Colonel Panchuk, 380th rifle division of Colonel Kustov and 17th Guard Tank Unit under the command of Colonel Shulgin entered into Orel.

1943, august, 4 - Weaponry


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