
Kutath - Tania - Personal TravelBlog

Small World Map


Name: Tania
Joined: 19th June 2003
Recently graduated from college and on my way to Europe to backpack through France, Italy, and Greece for a month.
by Kutath
Wednesday 30th July 2003

end of trip

Europe : France : Juan Les Pins
Well this is my last my last blog. I am now in Juan les Pins relaxing before my plane home sometime this weekend. The water here is a little disappointing after Greece but it’s nice. Caren’s here until Friday taking a vacation from all the travelling too. I forgot to mention in my blog about Venice all the glass and the masks. [Travel Journal]
by Kutath
Saturday 26th July 2003

Venice rocks

Europe : Italy : Venice
we spent three days traveling on the way out of Greece. Our Last Day in Crete was awesome the samarian Gorge was one of the coolest things we saw in Greece. I took so many pictures. it was a very long day though 5am to 11:30pm. The next morning we got up super early to hop on the boat to santorini. [Travel Journal]
I'm not really sure how or why but the CD was in Lauren's back pack.

Information does exist!!! only it's called the tourist police. we are finding out that transportation in Greece is very expensive because they don't take our eurail passes on the ferries. Crete is nice. We saw the ruins of Knosos Palace today and we are going to [Travel Journal]
The words of the day are : "It does not exist" As of last night the Train in Greece did not exist, Tourist informaition anywhere in Greece still does not exist, and Olympia didn't exist. We were supposed to go to Delphi today. We got up at 5:30am to catch the 7:30 bus there allowing ourselves pleanty of time. Because the bus system [Travel Journal]
by Kutath
Friday 18th July 2003

Europe : Greece : Athens
I just finnished writting an amazing bolg and it all dissapeared on me. I am going to try again but i don't have much time to do it as well. Things I forgot about Rome. We saw this really cute cat shelter located in a square of ruins. They take in all of the stray cats and fix, vaccinate and feed them. [Travel Journal]
by Kutath
Saturday 12th July 2003

Yay for Rome

Europe : Italy : Rome
Caren has more creative titles. Hers today was "would you like some ruins with that Basilica?" Which basically describes Rome. But first Florence. Wow it's been a while since I wrote It feels like a lot longer. Florence was a dissapointment. We went to museums and churches and saw cool stuff there but the overall feeling of the city was not [Travel Journal]
by Kutath
Monday 7th July 2003

feet hurt

Europe : Italy : Florence
I had a really good title in mind but I can't think of It now. Yeah we got up at 4am this morning to get to florence. We've been walking ever since. I'm very tired and my feet hurt. We met Lauren and Rob yesterday in Pisa which was good then we went to the beach which was fun too. Florence [Travel Journal]
by Kutath
Saturday 5th July 2003

cute little town

Europe : Italy : Tuscany : Lucca
Caren and I are in Lucca right now which is exactly the kind of place we needed and wanted after Turin. It gets visited by enought tourists that people speak at least some enlish and it is very cute and relaxing. It is a tiny little city with lots of big old churches surrounded by a big wall. We walked around the wall this [Travel Journal]
yeah.... got to turin in the wrong train station but we didn't know it. So we wondered around for a very long time trying to find someone who spoke English and wondering why we couldn't find ourselves on the map. We finally found the right train station and started looking for information. Yeah.... it was in the entirely wrong direction from where the sign [Travel Journal]
Lyon is really pretty. I was dissapointed when we got off the train because it arrived in the new part of the city and it wasn't at all what I expected. Then we took the bus to the hostel in the old Lyon i was relieved to find that it was more what I had expected Lyon to be. Old Lyon [Travel Journal]
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