
Rin - Erin - Personal TravelBlog

Small World Map


Name: Erin
Joined: 17th July 2003
Tell us a bit about yourself...Well, where do I start? I grew up in beautiful Sarasota on the Gulf of Mexico. I spent most of my life there up until I went off to college. It was mainly just my parents and I living at home, though now most of my family all lives in Sarasota including my new little baby niece. My mom works in healthcare sales for SYSCO Food Services and my dad oddly enough has his own company building car washes...Florida residents love to have their cars' cleaned.
Growing up I led a pretty normal life with of course, the occasional family drama and spending most of my time dancing, as it was one of my passions. I graduated high school in 1999 and went off to college at the University of Central Florida in Orlando, FL.
Looking back on life, I saw how simple things were and how much I've changed in the ways I think and the paths that my life has taken. I thought I had it all figured out but there was one thing missing...that was my passion to travel and to see the beauty of the world. That is the plus in my life right now; that I have no "baggage," not tied down to anything, and have the opportunity to fullfill this passion.
As cheesy as this sounds, not one person has knocked down my plan to work and travel in Australia and has encouraged me even more as they were never able to do so themselves. Though there are the occasional bitterness and questions of how are you going to get the money and what are you going to do once you get there? As much as I count the seconds of my day and write in my planner events of the day, I'm letting myself be a little bit more laid back.
As for now I am working in Orlando at the "mad house" at Don Pablos,as Brie would say, hoping to make some extra cash for my travels. And then on August 12, 2003 Brie and I will be off to Sydeny, Au...stopping in Fiji first then spending most of our time in Sydeny and stopping in New Zealand on the way home. So, thats where I am at now and come August 12 I will be in a completly different place in life and location...across the world.
by Rin
Wednesday 29th October 2003

Cape Tribulation

Australasia : Australia
Dragon Lizard
Dragon Lizard
One of the Daintree Rainforest's common creatures hanging out on a tree.
"Where the rainforest meets the beach" is the famous description of Cape Tribulation. Brie and I managed to get 2 days off of work and hired car with our English friend, Emma, to see the Daintree Rainforest and beaches north of Cairns. It was fascinating driving along the east coast of Australia having scenery change fromm the beaches to farmland to mountains.

Travel Journal]
by Rin
Thursday 23rd October 2003

A few Pictures

Australasia : Australia
Kangaroo with a little joey-this was taken in the Blue Mountain's Park.
Here are a few pictures....will update you all on everything soon! Stay tuned for a travel blog!
[Travel Journal]
by Rin
Saturday 11th October 2003

Backpacker Style

Australasia : Australia : Queensland
Having one year of clothes and sulpplies into 1 backpack, reading the t-n-t magazine everyday, eating 23 cent noodles, drinking the cheapest box wine, cramming into a hostel with 10 other people in 1 room, taking up others' slang, and best of all doing things you would never have done before. I have to admit that I've experienced all of this while [Travel Journal]
by Rin
Friday 19th September 2003

Change of Plans

Australasia : Australia : New South Wales : Sydney
This is a beautiful graveyard on the Coast, which is along the walk to Bondi.
It has been officially 1 month since I have been in Sydney, Au and at the first week it seemed like I've been here forever and now it seems like last week I just arrived. So much for getting a consistent job, so much for getting a flat, and so much for saving mony. Being as I am a planner knowing everything [Travel Journal]
by Rin
Monday 1st September 2003

Lost In Sydney

Australasia : Australia : New South Wales : Sydney
Sydney Opera House
Sydney Opera House
We took a ferry to Manly Beach and this is the famous sydney opera house!
Not knowing where you are or how to get somewhere or what street leads to where, a.k.a-you're lost!! I guess being lost in Sydney isn't such a bad thing considering I ended up on the steps of the famous Sydney Opera House.

Today I was suppose to have a "trial" at a cafe, which is like training on a first [Travel Journal]
by Rin
Friday 22nd August 2003

Bula-welcome to fiji

Australasia : Fiji : Viti Levu
Fiji Dancers
Fiji Dancers
At the Fiji Cultural Center, dancers were performing their ritualistic dance.
Bula and Kava- the 2 works you must know when traveling to the islands of fiji!! Everywhere you go, the Fijians shout "Bula" including the McDonalds welcome sign. Thus, bula means welcome! Now, kava is made from the roots of the kava tree, which are crushed up and mixed with water. It appears as dirty water and actually taste the same as [Travel Journal]
Beatles Star
Beatles Star
The hollywood strip with all the stars and of course my pick:the Beatles!
I was sitting outside of the subway on our last day in LA, thinking our adventure had already begun and we hadn't even got to Fiji yet.... 1 day of LA turned into 3 days and then 4 days. I've seen more than I wanted of Los Angeles, including the very heart of "the ghetto." But seriously, surviving LA was fun meeting many interesting people along [Travel Journal]
Other Diaries: 1

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