
Slim - John Hartnup - Personal TravelBlog

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Name: John Hartnup
Joined: 18th December 2002
Since I'm in a full time job (and pretty happy with it) travel is resticted to five weeks in the year, but I'm starting to get into the habit of taking four week blocks of holiday and really going for it. My girlfriend Debbie and I have done two epic (for us) car journeys across the USA in the last three years, and now we're gradually ticking off some of the other places we want to visit.
by Slim
Wednesday 18th December 2002

Minsk Nostalgia Fest part 2

Russia : Byelorussia : Minsk
Friday 7th September 1990
I awoke fretting (no pun intended) about the chords to "Yesterday".
When we got to the school hall for the concert, there were hundreds
of people there. The enormous hall was jam packed with, pupils.
First surprise was a presentation to Trystan to mark his eighteenth
Travel Journal]
by Slim
Wednesday 18th December 2002

Minsk Nostalia Fest

Russia : Byelorussia : Minsk
About This Document
Where it Came From

In Summer 1990, I went on a school exchange trip to Minsk. I kept a
handwritten diary throughout the trip. When we got back, I typed the
diary up on the family BBC Microcomputer, editing and sanitising it for
an audience of family, teachers and friends, to whom I gave printed

This year, 2002, my parents [Travel Journal]
Other Diaries: 1

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