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Dave Barry


  Dave Barry
Dave Barry has been at The Miami Herald since 1983. A Pulitzer Prize winner for commentary, he writes about issues ranging from the international economy to exploding toilets.

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Looking for a talking toilet-paper dispenser or bird diapers? Get the scoop with Dave Barry's holiday Gift Guide.
2003: A Dave odyssey
2003 is finally, we hope, over. But before we move on, let's put our heads between our knees and take one last look back at this remarkable year.


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      Hurricane season can make a storm shudder
    As Hurricane Isabel approaches the East Coast, I thought it might be helpful if I reprinted a Hurricane Preparedness Guide I wrote some years ago for the Miami Herald. It has some specific references to South Florida, but it should be just as useless to residents of other areas.


    Guys: It's time to turn over a new leaf blower
    Have you ever wondered why the entire world runs so smoothly? The answer is: Guys. Don't get me wrong: I have the deepest respect for women. My own wife is a woman. But when things need to get done, you cannot beat the results you get when guys swing into action.

    Pétanque's the best, bar none
    I discovered the perfect sport. You don't have to be in great shape to play it. You barely have to stand. You're thinking: golf. Wrong. Compared to the sport I'm talking about, golf is brutal, sometimes forcing you to physically walk 15 feet from your cart to your ball. Whereas the sport I'm talking about involves almost no walking, and in fact little movement of any kind, except for signaling the bartender. The most strenuous part of this sport is pronouncing its name: ``pétanque.''

    2003: A Dave odyssey
    It was the Year of the Troubling Question. The most troubling one was: What the heck happened to all those weapons of mass destruction that were supposed to be in Iraq? Apparently there was an intelligence mix-up. As CIA director George Tenet noted recently, ''Our thinking now is that the weapons of mass destruction might actually be in that other one, whaddycallit, Iran. Or Michigan. We're pretty sure the letter ''i'' is involved.''

    Got rig envy? Try Viagra
    Let's say you're a middle-aged guy. It's a Sunday afternoon, and you're planning to relax by watching a little football, defined as ''11 consecutive hours of football.''

    Feeling sick? Blame your computer!
    It's time once again for Keyboard Korner, the computer-advice column that uses simple, ''jargon-free'' terminology that even an idiot like you can grasp; the column that shows you how to ''take command'' of your personal computer, if necessary by reducing it to tiny smoking shards with a hatchet.

    A forest of lights can only mean that it's Christmas in Miami
    I love Christmas in Miami. Oh, sure, it's not like Christmas up north. We don't have Jack Frost nipping at our nose: We have Harvey Heat Rash nipping at our underwear regions. And we never look outside on Christmas morning to discover that the landscape has been magically transformed by a blanket of white, unless a cocaine plane has crashed on our lawn.

    It's windy under the sea
    A question that we have all asked ourselves hundreds of times is: How do herring communicate? I'm pleased to report that we may, at last, be getting closer to an answer, thanks to an important recent discovery by fish scientists. This discovery involves a bodily function that some readers may find distasteful to read about (even though I bet they do it) so before I tell you what it is, here is a:

    We've got the dirt on guy brains
    I like to think that I am a modest person. (I also like to think that I look like Brad Pitt naked, but that is not the issue here.) There comes a time, however, when a person must toot his own personal horn, and for me, that time is now.

    Flu season: Time to ship the kids away
    Winter's here, and you feel lousy: You're coughing and sneezing; your muscles ache; your nose is an active mucus volcano. These symptoms -- so familiar at this time of year -- can mean only one thing: Tiny fanged snails are eating your brain.

    Scientists launching spacey idea
    Just when you think all the great ideas have been thought of, scientists dream up a concept so radical, and so innovative, that you wonder if they've been smoking reefers the size of Yule logs.

    This just in: We all go nuts for local news
    I have here a news item that alert reader Diane Moore clipped out of the Oct. 21, 2002, issue of the Pana, Ill., News-Palladium (actual motto: ``Containing More News About the Pana Trade Area Than All Other Newspapers in the World'').

    Art of piñata bashing
    Iraqi weapons of mass destruction: Were they a real threat? Did they, in fact, exist? If so, will they ever be found? Beats me. Now that I've cleared that up, I'd like to devote what little space I have left to the issue of piñata safety.

    Take that, N.Y.: We have snook and mullet
    And so the Fall Classic has returned to the place where it truly belongs -- to historic Pro Player Stadium, which has hosted the World Series every six years, without fail, dating to 1997.

    Web takes a byte out of vampire stereotype
    Santa Claus, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and Frosty the Snowperson are starting to appear in the store displays at the mall, and you know what that means!

    It's the Marlins against the world
    OK, Marlins fans: We have to go through this one more time. I'm talking about getting disrespected by the fans of the other team, because we're not deserving enough.


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