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Reader Review Quick Form

Want more freedom in writing your review? How about a free form review submission where you can write anyway you want? Try the Reader Review Long Form

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Game Title






Score (1-10):

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Ok, you've gotten this far so now its time to get down to work. Using this form you will be able to add your views and thoughts on just about any PlayStation game in existiance. The PSX Nation Reader Review section is one of our most popular sections and we want it to continue being one of our best but we can't do it without you. To help you in submitting your best work, be sure and read our guidelines for Reader Review submissions
Now that we have your information lets begin the review. First off, let's describe the gameplay in this title? Was it too boring or maybe dull? Was the game too short, or too long? Describe the gameplay and give your thoughts and impressions on how the game played.
Ever played a game that moved like it was on ice? Or had one move as smooth as silk? Well control refers to just that, how well the game responds to your inputs. Describe and rate the game on this category
This is an easy one. All you have to do is think about how the game looked. Did this game look really grainy? Or maybe it was one of the best looking PlayStation games out there? You tell us what you think about the look of the game.
The third category is about the music and sound score of the title. What did you think about the music? What about the sound effects? Tell us how you feel about the audio in this game.
Now let's describe the overall experience with the game. Tell everyone how you felt about not just any one aspect of the game but how you feel overall.
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