• Xpect
    Cool Locations

  • Xpect
    Meeting Other Young AΠ Guys Like You

  • Xpect

But don't expect it to be some typical boring research study!

Who are we?
Asian & Pacific Islander Escape (A&PI-X;) is just one of the exciting research collaborations between Asian & Pacific Islander Wellness Center and the University of California San Francisco.

What do we do?
Put on fun free weekend getaways where participants can explore, challenge, learn, and enjoy.

Who's it for?
People like you: 18 to 24 year old gay, bi, or questioning men of Asian & Pacific Islander descent.

What goes on?
We'll introduce ourselves and over the weekend, we will get to know each other and ourselves better through activities that cover identity, dating, sex, and partying. And there will be plenty of free time to hang out, talk one-on-one, and explore the local sights.

What can you get?
In addition to a fun free weekend away surrounded by nature, you'll have the opportunity to spend some time with other guys like you and to share your insights and experiences. You can ask questions and get resources about health, sex and HIV/AIDS prevention. It's about learning, finding support and having fun.

Why are we doing this?
API-X's goals are to conduct a scientifically rigorous evaluation study of an existing youth program at A&PIWC;: AQU25A. The cool folks at AQU25A have always done retreats as one of their many activities, and now, with API-X, we do the same thing with a scientific spin to answer the burning questions:

So AQU25A has done these retreats for years now, but where's the proof it works? And if so, how does it "work" for the people who participate in them?

In addition to contributing towards the development of more effective HIV prevention programs for Asian & Pacific Islanders, the project participants will also learn about themselves and HIV in a supportive and fun environment among their peers.

Sign up or find out more!...

AΠ Escape


Queer Youth

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Peer Leader

Queer AΠ
Pride Scholarship

X Peep Show:
Meet the Staff

Wanna have a good time? Call these effervescently friendly souls!

Great Escapes
Find the dish on upcoming retreats and events.

Fun with the X
Words and images from past API-X retreats and events.