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Centre Daily Times
  Our View | Contested races key to real change
Let's hope every county in Pennsylvania has what Centre County will likely have this year -- contested legislative elections. Too often, the Harrisburg incumbents are re-elected with little or no opposition, and the returning legislators take that to mean people are happy with what's happening in the Capitol. It happens virtually every election cycle. No reason to change a thing, the majority party says.


Molly Ivins | Britain's Blair is also feeling WMD heat
In a way, it was heartbreaking to watch the Mother of Parliaments deal with half of a particularly nasty problem in an impressive way. It was sad and depressing for an American because the United States seems so unable even to begin to address the first half of the same problem -- how and why we were so badly misled about the reasons for going to war with Iraq.

Your Letters
The recent powerful earthquake in Bam, Iran, created havoc for victims and their families. Nearly 30,000 fellow human beings died and countless thousands more were left desperate. Fortunately, many countries from around the world, including our own, rallied to do what they could to help survivors. This earthquake was the work of nature. Nothing could be done to prevent it.



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Breaking News
Updated Wednesday, Feb 04, 2004
Tauzin Considers Lobbyist Position - 10:35 PM EST
Annan Questions Iraq Self-Rule Deadline - 10:34 PM EST
Vietnam's Agent Orange Victims File Suit - 10:33 PM EST
Mass. Court Clears Way for Gay Marriages - 10:30 PM EST
Media Firm Does Ads for Bush_and Medicare - 10:29 PM EST

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